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Research Leadership

Useful Links

Senior Research Leader - Nursing & Midwifery Programme

Leadership Lab online

The NIHR Leaders Support and Development Programme

Leadership ELearning Modules

NHS Leadership Academy

NIHR - AoMRC Clinician Researcher Credentials Framework (CRCF)

The NIHR-AoMRC Clinician Researcher Credentials Framework aims to provide the necessary networks, skills and confidence needed to lead and support clinical research delivery.

What is it?

Who is it for?

What will you learn?

1) Online theoretical modules designed to develop a thorough understanding of the delivery of clinical research; and

2) A workplace-based module where learners work alongside experienced researchers to gain practical experience.

NIHR Principal Investigator Pipeline Programme (PIPP)

The Principal Investigator Pipeline Programme (PIPP) aims to provide a career opportunity for research delivery nurses and midwives by supporting them to become Principal Investigators (PIs) to deliver NIHR portfolio studies.

What is it?

Who is it for?

What will you learn?

There are four core elements to the PIPP which are undertaken in sequential order.