Digital PRES

On this page, you will find out how we are delivering the PRES survey digitally in the East Midlands. You can deliver the digital PRES via two different routes, or a combination of the two, depending on your preferences.

To make the PRES project effective, we rely on collecting accurate information about studies and sites. We would therefore urge  you to consider which approach will generate the most comprehensive data from participants.

Manual entry of study information

As with previous years, participants can be given a link (as a URL or a QR code) to the generic PRES survey. As part of their completing the survey, participants will be asked to provide the following information:

These pieces of information are used to link PRES resources to sites and surveys so that they can be accurately attributed within the PRES dashboard. If these fields are left blank, the responses cannot be attributed and therefore neither display on the dashboard, nor can be counted as part of our responses.

To help provide the study information to participants, we have provided the following resources:

These can be accesed on our PRES Resources page.

If you are delivering PRES in this way and there are additional ideas for materials that you think would be helpful for you, please let us know.

Access the Digital PRES Surveys

If you are unable to access the forms above, please contact

Bespoke QR codes and URLs

We know that it can be challenging to ensure that site and study information is accurately recorded. We have therefore developed an alternative delivery model, that automates these fields. It works in the following way:

During December 2021 - March 2022, we conducted a pilot at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, which showed that this approach made completing the survey easier for both staff and participants. 

If you would like to use this approach but are not quite sure how it will work for you, please get in touch and we will happily answer any questions that you have.

If you are unable to access the form above, please contact