Action & Adventure

Action & Adventure

These books focus on the action & adventure experienced by the main characters. Common themes include man vs. nature, man vs. an evil force, or a journey that the main character must experience to grow as a person.

by Elizabeth Gilbert

Eustace Conway discovered nature's wonders as a boy growing up in South Carolina during the 1960s. Miserable at home, a born perfectionist and fanatic, he took to the woods and developed wilderness skills unknown to most modern Americans. By the time he finished high school and moved into a teepee (his abode for 17 years), he was convinced that only encounters with "the high art and godliness of nature" could help save American society from its catastrophically wasteful habits and soul-deadening trivial pursuits.

by Tracy Barrett

When 16-year-old Telemachos and his two best friends leave their life of privilege to undertake a quest to find Telemachos' father Odysseus, they learn much along the way about what it means to be a man and a king.

by Leigh Bardugo

While most Amazons are women warriors rewarded with new lives after death, Diana alone is untested, molded from clay, eager to prove herself worthy. Diana's rescue of Alia from a shipwreck forces the princess into exile in order to prevent a foreordained global catastrophe. Alia wonders if her unusually dressed, oddly naĂŻve rescuer is in a cult. Alia is awkward and mostly friendless despite her family's massive wealth. Rescued from disaster by Diana, who looks "like a supermodel who moonlighted as a cage fighter," Alia learns her very existence might cause the deaths of millions. With the help of her brother and their two best friends Alia accompanies Diana on a quest to end the cycle of death.

by Emma Berquist

Daisy "Willie" Wilcox and her family struggle to survive after the Civil War when a horrifying sickness in which infected people--shakes-- attack the living in West Texas, but when her good-for-nothing father steals a fortune from one of the shake hunters in town, Willie, with two hunters as guides, sets out across the desert to find her father.

by S. A. Bodeen

Fifteen-year-old Eli, locked inside a radiation-proof compound built by his father to keep them safe following a nuclear attack, begins to question his future, as well as his father's grip on sanity as the family's situation steadily disintegrates over the course of six years.

by Jamey Bradbury

Tracy lives to hunt, sometimes spending days in the Alaska wilderness with nothing but her wits and her knife. Ever since her mother died, her father has kept her on a tight leash, especially when it comes to training for the upcoming Iditarod. Tracy's preternatural drive to hunt is insatiable, however, so she sneaks out regularly, which is where she is when the stranger attacks her. She fights back, waking up with a bruised head and bloody hands, but she's convinced he'll return to finish what he started. When her father takes on a hired hand, Tracy's careful secrets start to unravel, and she discovers disturbing truths about her desperate need to hunt.

by Ally Carter

Six years ago, Maddie lived in Washington D.C. with her father, a Secret Service agent assigned to the President's family, and her best friend was Logan, the President's son. After her father was wounded in an attempted kidnapping the two of them moved to a remote cabin in Alaska, Logan never replied to her letters. Now he has suddenly turned up on her doorstep, and, while she has no attention of forgiving him for his silence, she soon realizes that first she has to save him from the winter wilderness and the men who are pursuing him.

The Hunt

by Andrew Xia Fukuda

In a world where humans have been preyed upon to near extinction by a bloodthirsty species, 17-year-old Gene has only managed to survive by painstakingly concealing his true identity, so when Gene is chosen to participate in the government-sponsored hunt for the last remaining humans, it thrusts him into the fight of his life and into the path of a human girl with whom he falls in love

Stephen Wallenfells

Twin brothers Ty and Cory Bic are on the run. When they encounter a dying deer in the middle of a remote mountain road with fresh tire tracks swerving down into a ravine, they know they have to help. But when they reach the wrecked car the vehicle appears empty, with signs that the driver escaped.

Until they hear a sound coming from the trunk.

Ty and Cory are escaping demons of their own. But what they discover in the trunk puts them in the crosshairs of something darker and more sinister than their wildest nightmares.

Neal Shusterman

In a time not far distant, life is deemed to be sacrosanct from the instant of conception until the age of 13. From 13 to 18, however, parents and guardians have the opportunity to have children "unwound." Technically, life doesn't end, but every part of the child is "harvested" to be parceled out and passed on to the highest bidder. In this gruesome age of organ harvest, readers meet Connor (doomed to be unwound by his parents), Risa (doomed as a ward of the state due to overcrowding) and Lev, a tithe, conceived for the express purpose of being unwound and "donated" to society. Their story of escape and struggle to survive in a society that lauds itself on the protection of life, but which has reduced human body parts to market commodities, unrolls against a bleak background of indifference, avarice, guilt, regret, loss, pain and rebellion.

Neal Shusterman

Alyssa and her brother, Garrett, are normal kids in a suburb in Southern California-that is, until surrounding states shut the floodgates to the Colorado River due to prolonged drought. At first, people dismiss the news, but circumstances turn dire quickly when bottled water disappears off store shelves while the spigots remain dry. What ensues is a horrifyingly fast descent into barbarity as neighbor turns on neighbor, government intervention falls short, and society's civil facade disintegrates. Alyssa and Garrett must travel to find new sources of water, all the while defending themselves against people crazed by thirst.

Veronica Roth

After regaining consciousness from a seemingly fatal accident, eighteen-year-old U.S. Army Ranger Gideon Blake discovers that he is War, one the legendary Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and together with Conquest, Famine, and Death, must save humanity from an ancient evil.

by Jonathan Maberry

When his family is chosen for a first mission to colonize Mars, Tristan reluctantly says goodbye to his girlfriend before the sabotaging acts of a terrorist group make him question the mission's purpose.

by L. L. McKinney

This isn't the Wonderland you remember. The first time the Nightmares came, it nearly cost Alice her life. Now she's trained to battle monstrous creatures in the dark dream realm known as Wonderland with magic weapons and hardcore fighting skills. Yet even warriors have a curfew. Life in real-world Atlanta isn't always so simple, as Alice juggles an overprotective mom, a high-maintenance best friend, and a slipping GPA. Keeping the Nightmares at bay is turning into a full-time job. But when Alice's handsome and mysterious mentor is poisoned, she has to find the antidote by venturing deeper into Wonderland than she's ever gone before. And she'll need to use everything she's learned in both worlds to keep from losing her head...literally.

by Kristin Hannah

Ernt Allbright, a former POW, comes home from the Vietnam war a changed and volatile man. When he loses yet another job, he makes an impulsive decision: he will move his family north, to Alaska, where they will live off the grid in America's last true frontier. At first, Alaska seems to be the answer to their prayers. But as winter approaches and darkness descends on Alaska, Ernt's fragile mental state deteriorates and the family begins to fracture. In their small cabin, covered in snow, blanketed in eighteen hours of night ... there is no one to save them but themselves

Wilder Country

by Mark Smith

Since a deadly virus and the violence that followed wiped out his parents and most of his community, Finn has lived alone on the rugged coast with only his loyal dog Rowdy for company. He has stayed alive for two winters-hunting and fishing and trading food, and keeping out of sight of the Wilders, an armed and dangerous gang that controls the north, led by a ruthless man named Ramage. But Finn's isolation is shattered when a girl runs onto the beach. Rose is a Siley-an asylum seeker-and she has escaped from Ramage, who had enslaved her and her younger sister, Kas. Rose is desperate, sick, and needs Finn's help. Kas is still missing somewhere out in the bush. And Ramage wants the girls back-at any cost