science fiction

Science Fiction

These books are usually set in the future, in a time when technology has changed the world into something we don't recognize.

Mark Alpert

Adam, crippled by muscular dystrophy, and five other terminally ill teenagers sacrifice their bodies and upload their minds into weaponized robots to battle a dangerously advanced artificial intelligence program bent on destroying humanity.

M.T. Anderson

When jobs typically done by humans are replaced with alien technology, Adam's parents have no money for food, clean water, or medicine, forcing Adam and his girlfriend Chloe to get creative.

Rhoda Belleza

As war ravages the galaxy and revolution gathers in the shadows, Rhee, the Crown Princess, fights for her throne, and Alyosha, a fugitive, charts a course of revenge. Rhee must make a deal with Nero (a media star) to achieve her aims, and Alyosha must kill Nero to achieve his. All the while, Nero himself plays a duplicitous game to wrest control of the galaxy.

Kate Blair

It's taken four hundred years of travel, but the starship Venture has finally arrived at its destination, Beta Earth, an uninhabited, untouched planet. The first night seventeen-year-old engineer Ursa is on Beta Earth, she encounters a dead body. She's positive she saw a large creature with sharp teeth, something that shouldn't even be on the planet, but nobody believes her. As injuries and bodies start piling up, Ursa must figure out who to trust when her fellow crewmates start taking sides between maintaining Venture's safety and the hope of creating a home on Beta Earth

Rhoda Belleza

Petty criminal Zara Cole has a painful past that's made her stronger than most, which is why she chose life in New Detroit instead moving with her family to Mars. In her eyes, living inside a dome isn't much better than a prison cell. Still, when Zara commits a crime that has her running scared, jail might be exactly where she's headed. Instead Zara is recruited into the Honors, an elite team of humans selected by the Leviathan--a race of sentient alien ships--to explore the outer reaches of the universe as their passengers. Zara seizes the chance to flee Earth's dangers, but when she meets Nadim, the alien ship she's assigned, Zara starts to feel at home for the first time. But nothing could have prepared her for the dark, ominous truths that lurk behind the alluring glitter of starlight

Kate Blair

Octavia has always dreamed of becoming a whitecoat, one of the prestigious N'Terra scientists who study the natural wonders of Faloiv. So when the once-secret labs are suddenly opened to students, she leaps at the chance to see what happens behind their closed doors. However, she quickly discovers that all is not what it seems on Faloiv, and the experiments the whitecoats have been doing run the risk of upsetting the humans' fragile peace with the Faloii, Faloiv's indigenous people. As secret after disturbing secret comes to light, Octavia finds herself on a collision course with the charismatic and extremist new leader of N'Terra's ruling council. But by uncovering the mysteries behind the history she's been taught, the science she's lived by, and the truth about her family, she threatens to be the catalyst for an all-out war.

Heather Graham

Alex Chin has the world on a plate. A football hero and homecoming king with plenty of scholarship offers, his future looks bright. His tutor, Samantha Dixon, is preparing to graduate high school at the top of her class. She plans to turn her NASA internship into a career. When a football accident lands Alex in the hospital, his world is turned upside down. His doctor is murdered. Then, his parents. Death seems to follow him wherever he goes, and now it's after him. Alex flees. He tells Samantha not to follow, but she became involved the moment she walked through his door and found Mr. and Mrs. Chin as they lay dying in their home. She cannot abandon the young man she loves. The two race desperately to stay ahead of Alex's attackers long enough to figure out why they are hunting him in the first place. The answer lies with a secret buried deep in his past, a secret his parents died to protec

Nick Harkaway

A tale set in a near-future, high-tech surveillance state follows the suspicious death of a dissident in custody and finds state inspector Mielikki Neith immersing herself in the victim's world, where she encounters a panorama of characters and innovations that transform her perspectives.

Douglas Lain

Seventeen-year-old Matthew Munson's a high school dropout, doing little with his time but playing an outdated video game called Bash Bash Revolution and hanging around the Dairy Queen with his girlfriend Sally. That is, until his missing dad turns up. Jeffrey Munson is a computer geek who'd left home when Matthew was young to work on a top-secret government AI project, and has been a sporadic presence in his son's life. Now he's back, but as Matthew reluctantly begins to let him back into his life, his son will discover the true nature, and the shocking goal, of the artificial intelligence his father helped create.

Fonda Lee

For a century now, Earth has been a peaceful colony of an alien race, and Donovan Reyes is a loyal member of the security forces, while his father is the Prime Liaison--but when a routine search and seizure goes bad Donovan finds himself a captive of the human revolutionary group, Sapience, terrorists who seem to prefer war to alien rule, and killing Donovan just might be the incident they are looking for.

Axie Oh

In 2199 in the Neo State of Korea, eighteen-year-old Jaewon is partnered with supersoldier Tera, but their evolving love is threatened when Jaewon must choose among conflicting loyalties--to the totalitarian government that promises to end all war, the nationalist rebels his father followed, and the crime syndicate staging a coup

James Patterson

According to its provost, "whose word is law," cell B-97-4275 boasts widespread health, employment, and a perfectly balanced population. Yet, for the first time in her life, longtime rule-follower Cassie Greenfield isn't so sure: a government mandated "mood-adjust" left her mother dead; a botched suicide attempt confined her father to the hospital; and now, her twin sister, Becca, has been taken, making her the ninth teen to vanish this year. To rescue Becca, Cassie will first have to join her in the "crazy house," a covert prison where disappeared teens withstand backbreaking training and relentless degradation. But as they prepare to combat their captors, the Greenfield girls quickly realize greater evil lurks outside the prison walls than within them.

Cindy Pon

Jason Zhou is trying to survive in Taipei, a city plagued by pollution and viruses, but when he discovers the elite are using their wealth to evade the deadly effects, he knows he must do whatever is necessary to fight the corruption and save his city.

Brendan Reichs

It's no way to celebrate a birthday: every even-numbered year, 16-year-old Min is murdered by an impassive, black-suited man. And then she lives on. Something weird is going on in Min's isolated Idaho town, and she traces it back to first grade, when everyone in her class was inoculated-but for what? Things are equally catastrophic in the world at large, where everyone is waiting to see if an asteroid, Anvil, is going to hit Earth. The Anvil misses, but the world is battered by earthquakes, tsunamis, and fires. Min begins to realize that perhaps her strange reality and the earth's convulsions may be linked. She also learns that she's not the only one enduring her odd existence.

Andy Weir

Jazz Bashara is a criminal. Well, sort of. Life on Artemis, the first and only city on the moon, is tough if you're not a rich tourist or an eccentric billionaire. So smuggling in the occasional harmless bit of contraband barely counts, right? Not when you've got debts to pay and your job as a porter barely covers the rent. Everything changes when Jazz sees the chance to commit the perfect crime, with a reward too lucrative to turn down. But pulling off the impossible is just the start of her problems, as she learns that she's stepped square into a conspiracy for control of Artemis itself--and that now, her only chance at survival lies in a gambit even riskier than the first.

Renee Nault

In the Republic of Gilead, a Handmaid named Offred lives in the home of the Commander, to the purpose that she become pregnant with his child. Stripped of her most basic freedoms, (work, property, her own name), Offred remembers a different time, not so long ago, when she was valuable for more than her viable ovaries, when she was mother to a daughter she could keep, and when she and her husband lived and loved as equals.

Philip Pullman

Christina Henderson is a girl who finds herself yanked out of her accustomed world. Rescued from drowning by the time-traveling ghost ship, Mary Alice, she makes the acquaintance of young John Blake, swept up by the currents of time when he was an unintentional participant in a secret, ocean-based experiment conducted by none other than Albert Einstein. The ship is pursued in the present by a British secret agent, a female maritime expert, and the CEO of the sinister Dahlberg Corporation, all of whom have meaningful connections to the ship

Scott Westerfield

Three years ago an event destroyed the small city of Poughkeepsie, forever changing reality within its borders. Uncanny manifestations and lethal dangers now await anyone who enters the Spill Zone. The Spill claimed Addison's parents and scarred her little sister, Lexa, who hasn't spoken since. Addison provides for her sister by photographing the Zone's twisted attractions on illicit midnight rides. Art collectors pay top dollar for these bizarre images, but getting close enough for the perfect shot can mean death--or worse. When an eccentric collector makes a million-dollar offer, Addison breaks her own hard-learned rules of survival and ventures farther than she has ever dared. Within the Spill Zone, Hell awaits--and it seems to be calling Addison's name