Tips for 6th Grade Success

Study & Organizational Skills

Organizational Tips

1. Make sure you have the right supplies.

a. a binder or notebook for each class, or multi-subject binder

b. a folder for each class, clearly labeled

c. an all-purpose folder

d. an assignment pad or student planner for writing down assignments (it

helps to remind you what is due for each class)

e. an adequate supply of pencils, pens, and paper

2. Sort out all of the papers you receive from your teachers and place them into the appropriate subject folder.

3. Keep your locker as neat as possible, and take what you need from your locker for a few classes at once.

4. Pack your backpack at night to avoid any last-minute scrambles.

Test-Taking Tips

1. Study in a comfortable place where you can concentrate.

2. Include review time in your daily schedule, do not leave all of your studying for the last minute.

3. If you do not know what will be covered on the test, ask the teacher. You must ask for extra help a few days before the test if you need it.

4. Write a study sheet using your homework, class notes, and class materials. Put a check next to the information on your study sheet that you understand, and circle the information that you are unsure about. If there are any circled items, get help to find those answers.

5. Study with a friend. Ask each other questions and discuss the material.

6. Like class, come to the test prepared with all of the supplies you will need.

Note-Taking Tips

1. Write down all of the information the teacher writes on the board or overhead.

2. Listen for words that signal important information like "pay attention, here is an important point, and here is something you need to understand."

3. Listen for clues that tell you how many details will be listed. For example, "there are threemajor themes to this story."

4. If you are unclear about something in your notes, place a question mark next to it. This will remind you to ask the teacher about it later, or for you to look it up.

5. Do not worry about spelling, you can make corrections later.

6. Put the period, date and subject at the top of each page.

7. Look over and correct your notes as soon as possible after class. Put the notes in your own words.

Time-Managment Tips

1. Estimate: Figure out realistic times for how long things (homework, sports activities, chores, family tmies) take you.

2. Schedule: Make a schedule that works for you.

3. Use a calendar: Keep a monthly calendar so you can make long range plans. Include all academic, extracurricular, and family activities.

4. Review and Revise: Look over your schedule regularly (perhaps with a friend, parent, or teacher) and note the areas where you are successful and those that need work on.