Educational programs used

Fundations is a research-based program that teaches phonological/phonemic awareness, phonics and spelling in the Kindergarten through third grade classrooms.  Fundations lessons focus on sequenced skills that include print knowledge, alphabet awareness, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, decoding, vocabulary, fluency and spelling. 

Heggarty is a Phonemic Awareness is a research-based 35-week curriculum of daily phonemic and phonological awareness lesson plans. 

ReadWell Read Well® is a comprehensive research-based K–3 reading and language arts solution that helps students build the critical skills needed to be successful readers and learners. Through a flexible approach of whole-class instruction, differentiated small-group instruction, and individual student practice, teachers can meet students at their skill levels and adapt instruction accordingly.  

Math-U-See The Math-U-See Curriculum helps students learn math concepts and succeed at their own pace. This unique math curriculum integrates a distinctive set of manipulatives with strategies presented through lesson-by-lesson videos, textbooks, and digital resources.

Number Worlds teaches the specific math concepts and skills that are the foundation for later mathematical learning. It also exposes students in grades PreK-6 to the many different ways that number and quantity is represented and talked about, so children can use the number knowledge they acquire flexibly, across contexts. The Number Worlds program has been extensively evaluated with children from low-income populations and proven effective in enhancing computational fluency, number sense, mathematical reasoning and communication, as well as performance on standardized mathematics achievement tests.

S.P.I.R.E is designed for small group instruction to make sure that each student gets individual attention based on his or her own needs. S.P.I.R.E. increases student's reading skills through explicit teacher-led instruction where the lessons are clearly written and keep teachers at the center of instruction