Special Considerations

  • Check this list in order to know how many hours your product(s) can be.
  • You cannot go over any maximum amount of hours for each individual product.
  • Use this list as a GUIDE.
Suggested Product Hours 12-15 hours
Mentor Product Log Fall 2019

Mentor Product Log

  • Throughout the semester, you will need to complete this form in its entirety.
  • You are required to get your mentor's signature TWICE, but you may choose to get it more than that.
  • You must write in COMPLETE, DETAILED sentences in BLACK INK.

Mentor Evaluation of Product Form

  • When you complete your product, your mentor will need to complete this form.
  • This form completed and signed is MANDATORY in order to turn in your product.
Mentor Evaluation of Product Form Fall 2019.pdf
CODE 9.doc.pdf

Code 9 Absence for GP Seniors

Each GP senior is allowed one excused absence to work on his/her product if they need to take a day. This should only be used if the student is holding an event off campus on a school day or needs to go to a business or other school during school hours.

Special Considerations for Products

Check this handout if you're doing one of the following products so you can make sure you've included everything you're supposed to.

  • Business Plan
  • Guidebook, Cookbook, or Scrapbook
  • Documentary or video
  • Coaching
  • Shadowing
Special Circumstances