Honors: 6-8 pages


TIP: A full page consists of 22 lines that are written beyond the halfway mark of the page. It is suggested that you write at least one line on the 5th page (ON-LEVEL) or 7th page (HONORS) to meet the MINIMUM length.  

source requirements

HONORS (5 sources)

-TWO scholarly journals

-ONE personal interview

-TWO additional sources

ON-LEVEL (3 sources)

-ONE scholarly journal

-ONE personal interview

-ONE additional source

In-text citations and works cited


-Required to follow MLA format

-Automatic zero if either is missing

Interview Evaluation Form

Interview Evaluation

You MUST include an interview in your rough draft and final. You MUST have this evaluation form included or it will not count. A final draft without an evaluation form will be automatic recovery.

Rough draft rubric updated 2018.pdf

Rough Draft Rubric

Rough Draft Checklist.pdf

Rough Draft Checklist

Final Draft Rubric

Paper self evaluation.pdf

Final Draft Self-Evaluation

Research speech requirements.pdf

Research Speech Criteria

Use this document to write your Research Speech around midterms.