NC Governor's School

The Governor's School of North Carolina is a 5½-week summer residential program for gifted and talented high school students, integrating academic disciplines, the arts, and unique courses on each of two campuses. The curriculum focuses on the exploration of the most recent ideas and concepts in each discipline, and it does not involve credit, tests, or grades. Students are selected to attend through a competitive process after being nominated by their public school unit or non-public school. 

Application Process (2022-2023 school year)

Applications are turned in to school to be sent to the district for evaluation.  You will need to abide by the school/county deadline for consideration, not the December deadline set by Governor's School (that deadline is for the county's use).  The NHCS district office selects the final group of candidates sent to the Governor's school office for consideration.

APPLICATIONS DUE:   October 26th, 3pm (electronic submission)

YOU WILL NEED TO FOLLOW THE COUNTY DEADLINES, not the date posted on the Gov. School website.

Electronic submission to:

Recommendations should be submitted directly from the recommender to:

Everything will be available on the NC Governor's School website: NC Governor's School 

Here are the links to the necessary documents from their site: 

Student Application

Recommendation Form


1. 10th graders may apply in Choral Music, Instrumental Music and Dance.  11th graders may apply in • English • Spanish • Mathematics • Natural Science • Social Science • Art • Choral Music • Instrumental Music • Dance • Theater  

2.  The essays are a heavily weighted portion of the application and the prompts that are subject area specific (essay #2) are the same as last year.  


October 26, 3pm: Applications Due

December: Students are notified if they were selected nominees by the county for submission to Gov. School

March: Students are notified if they have been selected to attend Gov. School

June 18-July 15, 2023:  TENTATIVE dates for Gov. School