Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG)

Jennifer Crudeli, AIG Specialist

This page is mostly dedicated to general information.  My newsletters keep you up to date on the latest opportunities.  Past newsletters are posted here if you missed it.  Organized in folders by school:

Ashley Newsletter Folder 2023-24

Hoggard Newsletter Folder 2023-24

Ashley Newsletter Folder 2022-23

Hoggard Newsletter Folder 2022-23

Middle School Parent Presentation 2023

Middle School Transition Presentation  from spring, 2024

An overview for rising 9th grade students and their parents.  

Academic Advising tips.pptx

Here is an Academic Advising tips presentation for students and parents as you contemplate scheduling for next year.

AP Information Presentation for AHS
College Essay writing tips.pptx

Here is the powerpoint I used for my College Essay Tips zoom sessions.  If anyone has follow up questions or needs assistance, just let me know and we can set up some time to work on essays.  The hardest part is getting started!

Here is a link to it as well:  The College Essay 

I am the AIG Specialist at Ashley High School and at Hoggard High School.  The calendar below normally shows what school I am at today. (This of course does not take into account any meetings or other exceptions that may occur.)  

Contact Information and schedule:

Jennifer Crudeli

email:    (Best method of contact)

phone: 910-790-2360 (Ashley) 910-350-2072 (Hoggard) - NOT THE BEST WAY TO REACH ME because it may be a few days before I get the message

ASHLEY OFFICE: My office is located downstairs in the 400 hallway: 405

HOGGARD OFFICE: Inside the nurse's office.  (She'll also know if I am there or not that day)

NEW Hanover County AIG Plan: 2022-2025

(I spend 50% of my time at Hoggard High School and the other 50% at Ashley High School.)  

If you would like to make an appointment please use the following link to select a date and time.  I will follow up with a zoom invitation to meet: 

If you would like to be added to my parent email list, please fill out the form at this link: Addition to Parent Email List


Upcoming Events and News (Please read my newsletters for comprehensive coverage of events)

For past events and news, scroll to the bottom of the page.

GOVERNOR'S SCHOOL INFO - link here to my page :-)

Big 5 NC Scholarships!

Below is a link to a document that gives you a quick rundown of the deadlines and high school contact (me) for:

Morehead Cain (UNC- Chapel Hill)

Park (NCSU)

Levine (UNC-Charlotte)

Belk (Davidson)

Robertson (Duke or UNC)


In high school, opportunities for advanced curriculum take the form of honors and AP courses. We strongly encourage students to take advantage of these classes to better prepare themselves for the world beyond high school! 

While many of your questions/concerns may be resolved with information from the New Hanover County Schools AIG page, feel free to contact me by email with any concerns. You may email me directly at I look forward to working with you and your students!

Tips for Students AND Parents

9th Graders: Make sure you enroll in an Honors or AP class each year. If you encounter a need for additional assistance you can leave a message on my door or contact me through email. Remember: This year is when things start to count!

10th Graders: Consider taking the SAT. Plan it so that you have finished a major math class. There are materials available through the Guidance Department to help you prepare. Also, I have attached a few links to the National Test Prep page to help as well. (click on "National Test Prep" to the right)

11th Graders: Take the SAT or ACT. Check out the materials available through the AIG teacher, your guidance counselors, and the AHS media center web page to make sure you are better prepared. 

12th Graders: Make a draft of your college essays early so you can get a teacher to proofread them. Take the SAT early in the year so your scores will be available for your college applications. Be attentive to the wide variety of available scholarships. (You won't get it if you don't apply.) If you need assistance with interviews, etc. contact your counselors or AIG teacher.

The Timeline

Freshman Year (9th Grade): “Everything Starts to Count”

Sophomore Year (10th Grade): “Year of Personal Growth”

Junior Year (11th Grade): “College Exploration Year”

Senior Year (12th Grade): “Hard Work and Planning Pay Off”

Adapted from:

“How to Get the Most out of High School”

Woodburn Press 2004 Edition

In compliance with Federal law, including Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, New Hanover County Schools administers all state-operated educational programs, employment activities, and admissions without discrimination because of disability, race, religion, national, or ethnic origin, color, age, military service, or gender except where exemption is appropriate and allowed by law.