8th Grade Shout Outs

Everyone - This is 8th grade band I will NEVER forget.  Your first day at Trask in 6th grade was my first day at Trask too (although it was year 15 for me).  It's like we grew up together: you all working your way through middle school and becoming awesome, and me settling into my "forever" school and trying to build the band program to the best it can be.  Along the way, we played some great music, had some good times, got on each others nerves and then got over it..... over and over again until we got to tonight.  I'm so proud to be your band director.  Thank you for 3 years of amazing memories and laughs.   If you forget everything I ever taught you, please remember that once upon a time, you were a part of a group that was really, truly, honestly, delightfully, and most of all musically something special.  - Mr. Black

Ms. Bishton wants to shout out Matina Davlyatova for her awesome acting!

Hunter Black - Thank you for being an amazing student representative on our Media Technology Advisory Committee!  - Ms. Rappold

Andrew Ferguson - Dad and I are so proud of you!  You were literally born to be in band.  After years of watching your brothers, it’s now your turn to shine! We are excited to watch you play next year! We love you! -Mom and Dad  

Aiden Evans - We are so proud in the accomplishments you have made this year and how far you have come in your musical abilities.  Your hard work and dedication deserves to be celebrated!   We love you!  -Mom and Dad 

A shout out to Barrett Price on the tuba from Coach Rivenbark!

Hunter Black - I am so proud of you and what an amazing musician you have become! I still remember when you would grab Dad's ukulele and sing "Funga Alafia," and how you always loved tapping out beautiful melodies on the piano. You have grown into such an amazing young man, and I can't wait to see where your music takes you! Love, Mom

Cutter Moore - Congratulations Cutter! We are so proud of you!

Love, Mom, Dad & Madison

Joshua Cook - Congratulations Joshua we are so incredibly proud of you, your amazing talent, accomplishments and three great years of music at Trask!!! You are destined for great things! Love, Mom, Dad, Aaron and Alyssa 

Andrew Ferguson - “Congratulazioni dal tuo più grande fan in Italia, i am so proud and lucky to say I have such an amazing brother and he’s also an incredible musician, I love you so much!!!” Riley F 

Walt Edwards - Walt, we are beyond proud of you for all of your accomplishments in band and in school. You are an amazing son and we look forward to continuing to see what the future holds for you buddy!  - All our love, Mom, Dad, Weston & Winston

Shout out to the tuba girl Barrett Price!  While we are proud of where you have been, we are even more excited about where you are going. Congratulations on a wonderful 8th-grade year! Love Mom, Dad, and Nora 

Andrew Ferguson - I am so proud of you! For only being in band for 3 years you have accomplished so much and you should be proud of yourself! I love you so much! -Brayden F