K-2 Nurturing Program

K- 2 Nurturing

The New Hanover County Schools' AIG Plan includes the K-2 Nurturing Program. This program involves teaching whole-class lessons to all students in Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades throughout the school year. Utilizing the Primary Education Thinking Skills curriculum, K-2 students work through lessons on Multiple Intelligences, Convergent and Divergent Thinking, Spatial Reasoning, Evaluative Thinking, Creativity, and Inventive Thinking

Primary Education Thinking Skills (P.E.T.S)

Primary Education Thinking Skills (PETS) is a systematic enrichment thinking skills program for K-2 students. Its purpose is to help primary aged students develop higher level thinking skills. PETS follows the taxonomy of thinking skills outlined by Benjamin Bloom, presenting lessons in analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Students are introduced to Dudley the Detective - Deductive Logic, Yolanda the Yarnspinner - Creative Thinking, Isabel the Inventor - Inventive Thinking, Max the Magician - Mental Manipulation of Shapes, Sybil the Scientist - Analytic Thinking, and Jordan the Judge - Evaluative Thinking. Each character introduces a higher level thinking skill used in his or her job. Each character guides students through a story and a series of activities to introduce and reinforce their type of thinking. Imaginative memory triggers are included with each introductory lesson.