
There are many types of scholarships and grants available to students. Check out the different types of scholarships listed here:


Scholarships can be offered through several avenues: schools, companies, organizations and more. A scholarship is a financial gift given to the student. Unlike other types of financial aid like student loans, you do not have to repay a scholarship. 

Grants are given to students without the expectation of repayment. In other words, it’s free money. The main distinction is that many grants are often determined by financial need. 

Scholarship Opportunities

! Starter Scholarship Spreadsheet 2023-2024

Check out College Board Scholarship Information:

The Scholarships

Class of 2022: Complete these 6 college planning steps for 6 separate chances at $500. When you finish all 6, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a $40,000 scholarship, but you can still earn money even if you don’t complete them all.