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Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap (BTG) is a service of Alcoholics Anonymous designed to ease the transition into the halls of AA for alcoholics being released from a treatment facility. Part of Bridging the Gap between a treatment program and A.A. is “The Temporary Contact Program”, which is designed to help the alcoholic in an alcoholism treatment program make the transition into AA in their community. One of the most ‘slippery’ places in the journey of sobriety is between the doors of the treatment facility and the door of the nearest A.A. group or meeting. BTG volunteers, help introduce the program of Alcoholics Anonymous to these newcomers. 

When you sign up as a temporary contact, your name is placed on the Bridge the Gap volunteer list, along with the information you provide. When someone in treatment requests a BTG contact, a BTG committee member matches that person with a temporary contact volunteer in the community near where the newcomer lives. This twelfth step work can help newcomers find their place in A.A.

Download more information: (Bridging_the_Gap_Information.pdf).

District 13 ~ POB 3513 ~ Nashua, NH ~ 03061