6th Grade Digital Library

Description: The 6th Grade Digital Library Page was created in 2016 and it includes peer reviewed stories based on meeting the criteria of being culturally relevant reading resources. This means that these texts celebrate and brings awareness to the diverse backgrounds, knowledge, and experiences of the different students that learn in our classrooms on a daily basis (Ladson-Billing, 1994). Students used a Read Write Think adapted Cultural Relevance Rubric to evaluating the books and selecting them.

For additional reading resources please download this Culturally Relevant Book List created by the students based on their findings. Students also recorded themselves reading certain books so that younger students learning to read could stay access the material by listening to their peer read the story.

“ Feliz Navidad “ By Jose` Feliciano

Feliz Nevidad.m4v

“Is There Really a Human Race” by Jamie Lee Curtis

Is there really a human race.MOV

“Stone Soup” by Jon J. Muth

Stone Soup.MOV

“ My first American Friend” by Sarunna Jin & Shirley Beckes

My First American Friend.m4v

“The Lotus Seed” by Sherry Garland, illustrated by Tatsuro Kiuchi

Lotus Seed1.MOV

“At The Crossroads” by Rachel Isadora

At the Crossroads.m4v

“My Rows and Piles of Coins” By Tololwa M. Mollel/Illustrator : E.B. Lewis

My Rows of Piles of Coins2.m4v

“America Is...” by Louise Borden

America Is.m4v

“Chicken Sunday” by Patricia Polacco

Chicken Sunday.m4v