Secondary News

20 November 2020

From our Head of Secondary

Dear Parents and Guardians

First, my huge thanks to all staff, parents and learners involved in helping us celebrate Deepavali along with our Hindi families last week. The Year 9 drummers did a fantastic job. It is so lovely to have events that bring the community together all be it at a social distance!

Thank you to the families that joined us for our MYP workshop last week. It is great to have the opportunity to share our plans for the curriculum. As a Nexus family, you know how we value an innovative education. Many of our learners will have multiple jobs in their lifetime. Some of these will be part of careers that don't even exist yet! Education that is wholly based on rote learning is no longer fit for purpose. To be successful in this changing economic landscape our learners, your children, need to develop the skills that allow them to adapt.

I was delighted to read the top 10 skills of 2025 as identified by The World Economic Forum closely align to the skills we develop through our curriculum. They have identified analytical thinking and innovation, active learning, problem solving and critical thinking and creativity as essential skills for the future workforce. These skills underpin much of our curriculum and are reinforced through the approaches to learning and learner profile.

In our 'Important Notices' section please read about the Junior Achievement initiative. We hope many of our families have a couple of old unwanted pieces of Nexus uniform that they would be keen to donate to this fantastic cause and support some of innovative Year 12 learners.

This week we want to share news of learning from our Year 7 year group. If you read on, you can see how learning is supporting some of this essential skill development and reinforcing our core Nexus values. As this season's CCAs come to a close I hope our learners can reflect on what they have gained from their experiences and are excited to plan for the next season. Our Music department continues to innovate through Lessons without Walls. Also, why not sign up for our Nexus Christmas Family Choir and join over 100 families who have already signed up to come together through singing. Please check out the Arts page for further information.

Best wishes

Dr Heather

Head of Secondary