
Chinese New Year Celebrations in Music

Music at Nexus enjoyed participating in the variety of Chinese New Year events with our musicians last week. Mr Chris and Ms Tash led 2 days of workshops based on Chinese drumming and Chinese traditional fan dancing with learners across the whole school. Within the Music department we had a display of traditional Chinese instruments for our learners to view as they came to music class.

In addition on Wednesday morning before school, our parents and learners were welcomed to school with our 'Lessons without Walls' series with a focus on Chinese music. Along the level 2 walkway, 9W were practising their Chinese drumming routine led by Ms Clare and the the Eco Cafe a number of our learners celebrated their tradition by performing on their traditional Chinese instruments or playing Chinese music on western instruments.

From the Music department, we wish our Nexus families Gong Xi Fa Cai.