Sports & CCA News

Final Week of ACSIS Season 1 for Primary Athletes

We are about to embark on the final week of ACSIS Season 1. As always, this is an extremely busy week with 'Finals' playing a huge factor. Full details, schedules and travel arrangements will be emailed to families and team members next week. Below is a summary of what we have to look forward too for our Primary athletes:

  • Tuesday 31 October - 11&U Boys Basketball (2 teams) at Australian Int. School (bus return at approx. 6.30pm)
  • Thursday 2 November - ACSIS 8&U-11&U Cross Country Championships at Bedok Reservoir (bus return at approx. 12.15pm)


11&U Boys at 9.30am & 11&U Girls at 9.40am – 2.0km

10&U Boys at 9.50am & 10&U Girls at 10.00am – 2.0km

9&U Boys at 10.10am & 9&U Girls at 10.20am – 1.5km

8&U Boys at 10.30am & 9&U Girls at 10.40am – 1.5km

  • Thursday 2 November - 9&U Football (Division 3) at GEMS World Academy (bus return at approx. 6.30pm)
  • Thursday 2 November - 9&U Football (Division 2) at Nexus Int. School, 4.30pm on the Main Field
  • Thursday 2 November - 12&U Netball GOLD FINAL vs. UWC Dover Campus at Nexus, 4.30pm in the Small Gym
  • Thursday 2 November - 11&U Boys Basketball (2 teams) at Australian Int. School (bus return at approx. 6.30pm)
  • Saturday 4 November - 9&U Football FINALS (Division 3) at St Josephs Institution Int. 8.30am - 11.30am
  • Saturday 4 November - 9&U Football FINALS (Division 2) at Tanglin Trust School - Training Ground. 8.30am - 11.30am
  • Saturday 4 November - 11&U Boys Basketball FINALS (Division 4) at International Community School. 8.30am-12.30pm
  • Saturday 4 November - 11&U Boys Basketball FINALS (Division 2) at Australian Int. School. 8.30am-1.30pm

We wish all our your young athletes all the very best for next week fixtures and finals. Good luck.

Season 2 - Key Dates Regarding ACSIS Sport & CCAs

As we approach the end of one season, another is about to begin. Please see the key dates regarding Season 2 ACSIS Sport & CCAs at Nexus:

Week beginning 30 October

  • ACSIS SPORT - Email is sent out about Season Two ACSIS sports
  • CCAs - Last week of CCAs for Season One

Week beginning 6 November

  • ACSIS SPORT - ACSIS sport training begins
  • CCAs - No CCAs this week

Week beginning 13 November

  • ACSIS SPORT - ACSIS sport training continues and learners receive letters about fixtures
  • CCAs - No CCAs this week. The portal will open this week to allow learners and parents to make CCA choices

Please look out for the emails regarding ACSIS sports and CCAs that will be sent in the next few weeks. There will be more detailed information in these emails

Parents and Children Netball - Wednesdays 7pm-8pm in Small Gym (Year 5 Upwards)

If you are free on Wednesday evenings from 7pm-8pm (beginning Wednesday 1 November), you are welcome to come along and play some Parent & Children Netball (from Year 5 upwards) in the Nexus Small Gymnasium.

Nexus Parent, Jemma Chapple and Lorna Fleming, have begun this initiative as a means to connect families outside of school hours and improve general fitness and well being whilst having a bit of fun. Please note that this is run by parent volunteers.

The weekly sessions will involve warm up, drills and a match with the aim of being fun, social and open to all abilities. This weekly event is run purely on a voluntary basis and all learners attending must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver.

Nexus Swimming - Term 1 Report

Welcome back to all of our swimmers from the October break and trust everyone’s energised and refreshed for another busy couple of months of competition and training before the silly season is upon us.

Recapping on last term, the swimmers were kept busy with team try-outs, new training squads and a busy racing schedule.

A record numbers of learners attended try-outs this year which were held over 2 weeks at the start of school. This resulted in a record number of 141 learners, joining the 6 squads covering all levels from the Performance Squads right down to Swim for Fitness and Recreational.

With such strong growth in swimming at Nexus we were lucky to have Coach Adrian join the team to take the lead with the Junior Performance Squad and to work with our developing swimmers with Coach Larisa. Coach Ivan of course continues the great work with the Senior Performance Team and responsibility for the overall swimming program.

The swim season kicked off with the Dulwich Tri-Meet between Nexus, AIS and Dulwich College. It was the first opportunity for our swimmers in the “12 and under” categories to dust off the cob webs after the holidays, and an opportunity for our new swimmers to compete for Nexus.

This event was closely followed by our first Nexus hosted event, the Nexus Wave 1 – Distance & Medley meet. A great opportunity for our senior and stronger junior performance swimmers to show their stuff. A very tough format so early in the season as it really tested the learner’s endurance and technique across the 4 racing strokes. A big shout out to the parents who assisted with time keeping, BBQ and the snack stall. Feedback from the visiting schools, swimmers, parents and staff alike was very positive and highly complementary.

The two really big events for the first term were the UWC Dover Phoenix Short Course Meet (7 schools), and the Merlion Sprint hosted by Tanglin Trust School (12 schools). Uniquely, these meets accommodate swimmers across all three ability levels giving the junior swimmers the chance race alongside and share in the team spirit along with the “big kids”. Especially, the Merlion Sprint, which is held at the OCBC Aquatics Centre at the National Stadium housing a FINA international standard 50m Olympic pool, which is 3 to 4 metres deep. The next FINA World Cup will be held at OCBC, so it was a chance for swimmers to act out their international racing dreams.

Nexus fielded a squad of 50+ swimmers at each of these events, so a big thankyou to swimmers and parents to support these weekend events. There were plenty of personal bests achieved and numerous first-time swim’s by our newer and developing members.

Fantastic results especially at the Merlion Sprint Meet, adding it up, there were over 101 personal bests achieved and 37 finals qualifications. Special mention must go to Carmen Weiller-Sastre who took out the trophy for the U11-12 years girls overall for the third time and also winning all of her events. Nexus also dominated the U11-12 100m Freestyle taking out the clean sweep 1st, 2nd and 3rd, well done Carmen, Dora Kwok and Scarlet Nichol.

In addition, congratulations to Paloma Canos-Cervera (U15), Shanan Verly (U15), Jack Cassin (U13), Emiel van Oord (U12), David Pau (U11), who also won medals.

Great performances by Riccardo Perone (U15), Yuki Shibuya (U13), Georgia Isles (U12), Harrison Feldhausen (U11), Olivia Leung (U10), Inger van Oord (U10), Sienna Nixon-Rice (U10), reaching finals in their events and some for the first time. Well done!

To think this is only for Term1! For Term 2 the schedule is even bigger. Key meets and events to look out for are below:

High School ACSIS, UWCSEA East

NEXUS Wave 2 - Nexus Invitational Swim Meet, Nexus

FINA World Cup, OCBC

UWCPX 50m Challenge, UWCSEA Dover

Singapore Nationals - Short Course, OCBC

Nexus Dual Meet - Nexus vs Tanglin Trust School, Nexus

Feeding Frenzy 2017 - Bangkok, Thailand, Patana Int. School

Nexus will be hosting 2 meets, so look forward to the continued support from parents and staff to make these events a success.

More updates on the swim performances for the team will posted on the Swim Team Notice Board by the pond at the school entrance, so keep a look out at drop off and pick up.

Follow us and keep up to date with the “Nexus_Swim_Team” on Instagram, or via the Swim Website at

Next report we can update you on our successes at these events, present to you the new Nexus Swim Team uniform, and unveil the new Swim Team chant written and “composed” by the swimmers themselves.

Until next time, happy swimming!

Chris Leung & Sandra van Oord

Swim Parents Liaison - NPG

Primary Cross Country Team Shine at Dover Court

On Monday last 35 Nexus learners from years 3 to 6 travelled to Dover Court International School for a friendly cross country event. Two other schools took part, Dulwich College Singapore and the host school Dover Court.

Learners proudly represented Nexus and showed true team spirit by cheering loudly to encourage teammates across the finish line. All of our learners can be very proud of themselves both for taking part and for their outstanding display of sportsmanship and enthusiasm during the event.

Years 3 and 4 learners completed a 1.4km race and noteworthy performances included Zaal and Griffyn with 3rd and 4th respectively followed closely by Leithan, Charlie, Kai and Soma all finishing within the top 10. Grady shone for Year 4 finishing in 4th place against some very stiff competition from the other schools.

Years 5 and 6 learners completed a 2.1km race and noteworthy performances for Year 5 included Joshua and Noah who finished 3rd and 7th respectively. Sergio and Archie brought it home for Year 6 finishing 3rd and 9th respectively.

It was a great chance for Nexus learners to practice their skills in a competitive but friendly environment and as always greatly supported by the Nexus parent community. This experience will be of huge benefit to them in the build up to the upcoming ACSIS event at the Bedok Reservoir next Thursday.

9&U Footballers Sharpen Up Skills Before Finals Week

Our 9&U Footballers continued to develop their skills after another Thursday evening of fixtures. Hosted at Nexus, six teams from around the island attended to play the festival style matches. Nexus impressed with one win, two draws and a loss against some stiff opposition from Dulwich College, GEMS World Academy and Chatsworth Int. School.