Important Notices

WhatsApp Groups

In 2 weeks' time we plan to share informal WhatsApp Groups. In Primary, these will be Homeroom-based and in Secondary they will be Year Group based.

We are a school that prides itself on our strong community relationships and we know that families appreciate an informal channel to connect with the families of other learners in their child's class. These groups can be used to organise children's play dates, occasional reminders, arrange a social event for parents, etc.

We would like to ask parents to support the school in helping to administer these WhatsApp groups. We will be reaching out to parents to ask them to support this initiative. If you would be interested, please do contact us. We are particularly keen to find parents of Secondary learners to help build these connections.

Primary School: Automatic Safe Entry starts Monday

We are pleased to announce that from Monday 24 August we will be automatically registering the Safe Entry of Primary School learners. Therefore, they no longer need to have a copy of their NRIC/FIN for scanning.

All parents, guardians and Secondary School learners will still be required to scan the Safe Entry and Exit QR Codes.

Our School Bus Essential Agreement

Below is our School Bus Essential Agreement. This is also available in the Parent and Learner Handbook. If your child uses the School Bus service, please make sure that you have shared these expectations with them. For the safety and wellbeing of everyone riding the buses, children who regularly choose not to follow our Essential Agreement will be suspended from using the service.

Primary School: Cafeteria Options

Learners in Nursery, Kindergarten and Years 1 and 2 may have a pre-paid school meal or bring a packed lunch from home. Learners in Years 3 to 6 may have a pre-paid school meal, purchase food from the Level 5 Cafeteria on the day or bring a packed lunch from home.

If you would like your child to have the pre-paid meal please click here for a link to the page of our website with ‘The Lunch Ordering Menu’. Packed lunches and snacks from home should be healthy - sweets, chocolates or fizzy drinks should NOT be included. It is easier for your child to manage if the snack and packed-lunch are in separate containers.

Learners in Years 3 to 6 may make their own selections from the cafeteria. We encourage them to always choose balanced and healthy options. Please support us with this by reminding children at home to make good choices.

At Friday snacktime, children in Years 3 to 6 may choose from any items in the cafeteria, including treats such as crisps and cakes.

A number of children and staff have severe nut allergies. For this reason, our cafeteria does not sell any products containing nuts. We also expect families not to provide their children with nuts or products containing nuts in their snack or lunch boxes. This is particularly true for our younger learners who are always interested in what other children are eating.

Secondary School: IGCSE Retakes

If anyone would like to retake any of their IGCSE exams, we need written consent via email from their parents by the absolute latest 18th September. Anyone that has inclusive access arrangements, we would need to know by 8th September. Please contact

Secondary School: Lockers

Next week, we will be surveying Secondary Learners regarding lockers. Please encourage your child to complete the survey in the Learner Bulletin.