Woodberry Down NEWS

Friday 8th March 2024

A Message From Mr Hewie

As I write this note, the sun is shining through the window.  Let us hope that this is a sign of some good weather and sun-filled days ahead for the weeks leading up to the Easter break.  With that in mind, please remember that we finish for the school holiday on Thursday 28th March at 2.00pm.  In the section below, we have included some dates for the next two weeks at school.  There are lots of exciting trips for the children and we hope that some of you will be able to join us on these outings.  Please remember to let your child's classteacher know if you are able to accompany the class on any upcoming trip.

This week, our Year 6 children have spent five exciting days in Osmington Bay, Dorset.  The staff, who have accompanied the children on the residential trip, have reported that the children have had an exceptional time away from school and that their behaviour and attitudes towards other children and to the tasks and events planned for them has been incredible.  We have kept our Year 6 families up to date with photographs and news each day.  These photographs of the trip can be seen here and here.  We have also posted some highlights from the trip further below in our newsletter.

I wanted to thank those families who are mindful of the school street restrictions on Woodberry Grove.  Our children's safety should be of the most importance to all of us.  By driving on the street outside of the school at the start and end of the school day, you are jeopardising the safety of our children.  Please do not drive your car on Woodberry Grove.

In the meantime, I hope that you all enjoy a fun-filled weekend and that you can find fun activities to take part in.  As spring really takes hold, there are many amazing places to visit in London to see the colour that this season brings.  

Upcoming diary dates at Woodberry down

Tuesday 12th March - 1W Trip to Pudding Lane and the Great Fire of London Monument

Wednesday 13th March - 1B Trip to Pudding Lane and the Great Fire of London Monument

Wednesday 13th March - Year 6 Humanist Workshop 

Wednesday 13th March - Year 5 & Year 6  Families Come Dine with Me (10 tickets available)

Thursday 14th March - 1D Trip to Pudding Lane and the Great Fire of London Monument

Thursday 14th March - 5D & 5B Ice Skating Lee Valley

Thursday 14th March - Nursery and Reception Family Workshop for Parents

Friday 15th March - Year 1 Year Group Assembly at 9:10am

Monday 18th March - 3W British Museum Trip Ancient Egyptians

Tuesday 19th March - 3B British Museum Trip Ancient Egyptians

Tuesday 19th March - Reception Spring Nature Hunt in Finsbury Park

Wednesday 20th March - 3D British Museum Trip Ancient Egyptians

Wednesday 20th March - 5W British Museum Trip Ancient Greece

Wednesday 20th March - Nursery Road Safety Workshop

Wednesday 20th March - Year 3 & Year 4 Families Come Dine with Me (10 tickets available)

Thursday 21st March - 5B British Museum Trip Ancient Greece

Thursday 21st March - Parents Group Workshop (Autism) 2.15pm

Thursday 21st March - Year 3 (all classes) Visit to St Andrews Church

Friday 22nd March - 5D British Museum Trip Ancient Greece

Friday 22nd March - EYFS Family Friday

Thursday 28th March - School closes for Easter holidays at 2.00pm

Monday 15th April - School closed for INSET Day

Tuesday 16th April - Children return to school at 8.45am

School Attendance

During the week ending 1st March, the classes with the best attendance were:

EYFS - Blue Class 96.7%

KS1 - 2W 99.6%

KS2 - 4B & 4D 100%

During the week ending 8th March, the classes with the best attendance were:

EYFS - Red Class 95.0%

KS1 - 2W 96.4%

KS2 - 4B 97.1%

As always, we wish to be clear that we know that those children who attend school regularly achieve better results before leaving primary school and therefore enter secondary school at a better advantage.  Children with lower attendance are less likely to leave our school prepared for the next stage of their education. 

If your child is unwell, you must contact the school as soon as possible to inform us that they will not attend school on that day.  We appreciate you support and with this matter.  You can reach the school by using your MyChildAtSchool app.

Year 3 News from Miss Boon

Year 3 have had an action packed few weeks with lots of excellent learning and fun activities.  The children, as always, have been responsible and passionate learners, taking on new challenges with great resilience.  After our weekly drumming lessons in Autumn term, this term Year 3 have been learning how to play the guitar!  It has been a joy to see their resilience and passion grow as they learn their new instrument.  The music teachers continue to sing their praises as their efforts and attitudes are always fantastic.  This week the children explored playing a song with two notes on the guitar.  It was great to see them collaborating and helping their partner through their new journey.

Year 3 celebrated World Book Day on Friday 1st March and what a wonderful day it truly was!  We had costumes from Harry Potter to Albert Einstein, the creativity in costumes really blew us away!  The children loved discussing their favourite book character and sharing their love for books with their friends.  A day for celebrating books was also a day to celebrate poetry so we studied Valerie Bloom and performed some of her poems.  The children were given their book token and some have already started reading their new book.  If you haven’t been able to go yet, please do try and plan a walk to the local bookshop to collect their book with their token as this will help us grow our love for reading!  Thank you for all your support, we truly appreciate it. 

Year 6 News from Ms Nazu

Last week the Year 6 children had the opportunity to showcase everything they have learned so far in their final practice tests. They were focussed and resilient - the Year 6 team are so incredibly proud of their progress. Not only are the children excelling in their learning in school, they have been representing and winning tournaments out of school.  The winners were presented with medals to celebrate their success.  Our children also had the opportunity to dress up as their favourite book character for World Book Day.  The inspiring and creative costumes highlighted just how much the children seek pleasure in reading and how they can immerse themselves into a loved book.  Whilst the children are away at PGL, we have been attending revision lessons in school and look forward to outings to Skinners for a PE session and two trips to local parks.  

Year 6 PGL trip

A group of fifty, Year 6 pupils ventured far from school this week as they took part in their four-night, residential trip to Dorset.  The group of children, accompanied by six members of staff set off for PGL, Osmington Bay on Monday morning.  There were many a teary eye as the bus drove off down Woodberry Grove.

The children had an excellent week, having taken part in activities such as Jacob's ladder, archery, zip wire, a beach trip and even a disco!  Our children did us incredibly proud, remembering the school values even when they were far away from us.  A huge well done to everyone for their great efforts!

Jacob's Ladder

Sensory Trail






Zip Wire

Obstacle Course

Woodberry Down Champions!

Since October, our mixed football teams made up of year five and year six pupils,  have been working tremendously hard, participating in a league with other schools around Hackney.

Spending most of the season in 2nd position, it excitingly came down to the last game of the season for both the boys and girls team, with a nail biting decider against Gayhurst Primary School, in which the winners were going to be crowned league champions… We are so incredibly proud to be able to share that the girls team were victorious with a 1-0 win crowning them new champions of the league, a huge improvement on their 10th position finish last year. 

The boys team, scored an equaliser in the last minute, proving to be enough to crown them champions for the second year in a row! A huge congratulations to both teams, the fantastic work of Coach Vince and our parent volunteers and supporters that have allowed the children to accomplish this fantastic achievement.

Following the league competition, both teams entered another tournament, battling against 20 other teams from schools in Hackney. More performances to be proud of ensued, with our girls team finishing third and the boys winning the competition, again, for the second year in succession.

Science News from ms Onyeanusi

Science is about more than just a subject in school, it's a way for the children to understand the world around them.  It has been wonderful to see the children in Year 2 embracing hands-on learning experiences that have connected them with nature.  They have been delving into the fascinating world of plant growth, exploring the mysteries of bulbs, seeds, and roots.  From planting seeds in pots to dissecting bulbs and observing root structures, these budding scientists have been on a journey of discovery.  In addition to the scientific knowledge they have been gaining, the children have also developed important skills such as observation, critical thinking, and teamwork through their plant growth investigations.  Collaborating with their peers, they have conducted experiments, recorded data, and drawn conclusions and made observations.

The Year 5 children have had an exciting start to the Earth and Space topic by visiting the Royal Observatory.  They were greeted by a world of telescopes, exhibits, and interactive displays, each offering a glimpse into the mysteries of our solar system and beyond.

The year 5s got a guided tour led by a seasoned astronomer and watched an interactive show with awe-inspiring images of distant galaxies projected onto the domed ceiling of the planetarium.  The children were transported on a virtual voyage through the cosmos, marveling at the vastness and beauty of space.

Wetlands Trip

Last week, some of our pupils visited the Woodberry Wetlands Centre for an Autism Friendly Sensory Session.  We had a great time finding creepy crawlies under logs, pond dipping for newts and going on a nature walk.  For some of our younger pupils, this was their first trip outside of the school grounds and we are incredibly proud of them.  

Year 2 News from Miss Hogg

Last week we celebrated a fantastic World Book Day, where children and staff dressed up as fictional characters.  We spent the day exploring poetry by Dennis Lee and Eloise Greenfield and writing our own poems about animals.  You can build on this fantastic work by reading poems at home with your child or watching fantastic poets read their work like Benjamin Zephanian, Micheal Rosen and Malorie Blackman.

In maths, Year 2 have continued their strong start as they have completed their unit on fractions and can now identify and find halves, quarters and thirds of a number, shape or object. You can continue to build on this learning at home by counting in halves, quarters and thirds when you're walking to the school or on the bus. You can talk about cutting a cake or pizza or sandwiches into halves or quarters during mealtimes. Or even linking their knowledge of fractions and their knowledge of time by looking at how clocks are split into equal parts. 

In history, we have built on our new topic Marvellous Medics by digging deeper into how hospitals and medical care was in the 1800’s. The children completed a powerful experiment involving water, pepper and soap to show what happened to germs.  I am sure they would love to show this at home.

Big Plastic Count

Beginning next Monday until Sunday, Woodberry Down will be taking part in the 'Big Plastic Count'.

Please read the special letter that will be given to your child this week, instructing you how to take part, including the very important unique class code, which you will need in order to submit your plastic count across the week.

In 2022, nearly 250,000 people from schools, households and communities across the country made The Big Plastic Count the biggest ever investigation into UK household plastic waste.  It showed that nearly 100 billion pieces of plastic are thrown away in the UK each year, with hardly any of it recycled. 

The rest is burned, sent abroad or ends up in landfill. We can’t recycle our way out of the plastic waste crisis, so The Big Plastic Count is back – and this time we’ve got an even bigger target in our sights – The Global Plastics Treaty.

By joining thousands of people across the country and counting all the plastic you throw away for a week, you can gather the vital evidence we need to convince UK ministers, supermarkets and big brands to lead the way at the global talks that could finally phase out plastic production for good.  Let’s get counting to make the Global Plastics Treaty as big and bold as it can be. 

Art News from Ms Williams

Discovering Sol Lewitt: Our students have been introduced to the mesmerizing works of Sol Lewitt, a prominent figure in contemporary art known for his groundbreaking contributions to the minimalist and conceptual art movements. Lewitt's use of bold colors, intricate patterns, and geometric shapes has captivated the imagination of our Year 4 artists.

Hands-On Explorations:

Engaging in hands-on activities, our budding artists have been experimenting with geometric shapes, lines, and colors to create their own unique interpretations. Lewitt's emphasis on structure and form has inspired our students to think critically about the placement of elements in their artwork, fostering a deeper understanding of composition.

Parent Engagement:

We invite parents to engage in conversations with their children about Sol Lewitt's art. Ask them about the concepts they've learned and encourage them to share their unique perspectives on the artist's work

We are excited about the artistic journey our students are undertaking and look forward to seeing their creativity flourish throughout the remainder of the school year. Thank you for your continued support in nurturing the artistic spirit within our Year 4 community!

Reception News from Miss dickinson

The Reception children have been so engaged and enthusiastic with their learning so far this term.  In Maths, we have learnt about doubling and halving and have developed our understanding of teen numbers.  We have practised counting, ordering and representing numbers to 20. Please continue to support the children in recognising numbers around the environment and in different contexts.

We have continued exploring "The Water Princess" and have been super creative sculpting and decorating our own clay water pots. We also discussed the importance of water and designed posters to help save and reduce water usage.  Inspired by Georgie Badiel, Reception hosted their own charity event to raise money for WaterAid.  The children made delicious lemonade and had so much fun squeezing the lemons and adding the ingredients.  Thank you for all your kind and generous donations, we hope it was yummy.

We had a fantastic World Book Day.  We were blown away by all the brilliant costumes and  completed activities based on our favourite poets and authors.  We had so much fun reading, sharing favourite stories and creating our own special bookmarks and puppets.  We had lots of special adults reading to the children and even had a fashion show and parade.  We continue to encourage as much reading and handwriting practice as possible at home to help support their independence and fluency. 

We look forward to our next topic, "Spring" where we will be investigating the weather, exploring how plants grow and conducting our own "Spring Nature Hunt" in Finsbury Park. 

Please continue to look at the Reception Newsletter Portal each week to see what we have been learning about and to find any key messages from us! 

World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day on Friday 1st March.  The day was a great success - thank you to parents for helping create some amazing costumes!  This year, we were focusing on celebrating and exploring a range of poets from nursery up to year 6.  Our pupils were given the opportunity to plan, publish and perform their own poems which they loved.  It was amazing to see so many children perform their amazing poems with such expression.  In the afternoon, our children used their artistic skills to create artwork linked to the work of their chosen poet. I’d also like to thank parents once again for their continued support with reading for pleasure both at home and at school. 

News from Year 1 & Miss Bowater

Last week, Year 1 celebrated World Book Day, embracing the magic of stories.  It was heartwarming to see the children’s excitement in the morning arriving in their costumes, transformed into their favourite book characters.  Throughout the day, Year 1 engaged in a range of activities themed around poetry.  We were exploring the work of Spike Milligan and focussing on his surreal and whimsical poem “On the Ning Nang Nong”.  

In the morning we learnt about the life of Spike Milligan and rehearsed a performance of his poem to music.  The children loved the nonsensical rhymes and repetition and we had fun creating our own actions and sound effects along with the words.  After break time we wrote our own poems about belonging to Woodberry Down School in the style of his work.  In the afternoon, our children got creative and made masks of the different animals featured in Spike Milligan’s poem.  One of our highlights was a teacher swap near the end of the day, where our children had a different teacher come to visit them, bringing their favourite book to share.  We would like to thank and extend our gratitude to all parents and carers for their support in making this year’s world book day a success. 

Together we will continue to foster a culture of reading for pleasure and engage children in the wonderful world of books.