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Lailani G, Khalia G, Jielle B, (and Mom) - TAPA High School and Sophia Academy Middle School

"We're expressing Mindfulness or MindfulOfShish - living in the moment with the Rage and Covid19 #BlackLivesMatter"

"Making art during this time has been different, the colors don’t feel bright enough. It helped my family come together and discuss. We want more but I know my mom can’t. It’s just a hard time."

Anntanet P - Highlander Charter School

"I drew a dragon eye using Willow Charcoal. People see a dragon as this fierce beast that causes destruction. I see this as COVID being the dragon, causing pain and destruction and it's watching all of us. But then there's simplicity in the piece as how there are simple ways people can stay safe and healthy to beat this pandemic."

"It has been somewhat difficult to make art during this time of COVID due to not being able to go out, get supplies, and there's less inspiration."

Aisha O. - Hope High School

"I am expressing change or rather, an opportunity to do something new."

"I made a self portrait of how I looked like now during quarantine. I’m really happy that I created this, let alone making art during this pandemic because I’ve invested so much time that I didn’t even think I could’ve done. Creating art makes me feel productive, secured, and a way to express new ideas that makes me excited.

Nyempu D. - Trinity Academy For the Performing Arts

"I was expressing nothing really I just set up the kit and started painting it was very calming and soothing and a lot of fun"

"To make art in this pandemic has been very soothing and calming which is what we all kind of need right now with all the things that are going on in the world. Making art in this time also feels like you get to just forget and focus on the thing you are trying to create.."

Odanis F. - Central High School

"I'm expressing how amazing and beautiful our world can be."

"Making art during the time of COVID-19 has been cool and fun, definitely something different since I’ve never been an art person."