Student Council Resources

Miss Neff, Student Council Advisor - EMAIL ME Mrs. Pereira, Student Council Advisor - EMAIL ME


  1. What does Student Council Do?
Student Council holds fundraisers, contest, and other events for the community, but our main goal is to help the Student Body as best as we can.
  1. When does Student Council Meet?
Student Council meeting days and times change every year. Information is usually posted on the NMS Website and the Student Council Google Classroom.
  1. What grade do you have to be in to join Student Council?
You can be a 7th or 8th grader at Newtown Middle School to join the Student Council.
  1. How can I get a leadership position in Student Council?
At the beginning of each school year, Student Council holds an informational meeting and if you have interest in getting a leadership position, you must write a speech. Voting will be held at the next meeting and then you have a chance to be the President/Chair (for 8th graders only), Vice President/Co-Chair (for 7th graders only), or one of the Administrators (one for each grade).
  1. Are there teachers on Student Council?
Yes, two teachers take part in Student Council. They are called advisors.
  1. How many students are on Student Council?
Every year it changes. It is never an exact number.
  1. How do I get more information about Student Council?
You can contact one of the Administrators through the Resources Page.
  1. What happens if I don't get a leadership position in Student Council?
In this case, you can just be a volunteer and help plan all of our events and take part in all of our discussions!
  1. Does Student Council just serve the Middle School, or the entire district?
Student Council just serves the Middle School; not the entire district.
  1. I want to be a part of Student Council but Mondays don't work for me. What should I do?
Great Question. Student Council Administrators post minutes (notes) from the meetings so that everyone knows what happened. If there are any upcoming events, those will be posted as well. If you have an idea about something for one of our events, feel free to email one of the Administrators and we will bring it to the next meeting.
  1. What if I have a question that is not on here?
You can contact one of the resources listed above. You can contact an Advisor (Staff Member).
*Student Representatives (or leaders) are elected at the beginning of a school year and serve for one school year only.*