Dear Newtown Students, Staff, and Families!
Welcome to the Newtown Middle school Student Council interactive website. Here we will post upcoming events, resources for families, and interactive activities for students and staff so be sure to check it out often! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of the Student Council LEADERs.
A Bit About Us
Here at NMS, the main focus of Student Council is to inspire connection and pride among our fellow students. We meet on Mondays to brainstorm ideas on how to make your time (as students and staff) here the very best it can be!
We are always searching for new perspectives and ideas, and everyone is welcome to join! If you are interested in joining Student Council at NMS, contact us through the Resources page and we will send you the Google Classroom code. If you are not sure if Student Council is your thing, feel free to attend a trial meeting and see how you feel! Our meetings are posted on the NMS WEBSITE.