Sophomores & SCOIR

Having settled into high school, 10th grade marks a time of greater self & world discovery.  By actively learning about your interests, values, & strengths, you will build confidence to seek opportunities to connect with your community.  Beginning in 10th grade, students have access to a web-based resource called Naviance. Specifically, sophomores may use several assessments and research tools to investigate their interests and understand the world of work. Find a job or check out the volunteer listings on Naviance to begin building skills.

Top 10 Tips for Sophomore Year

10.  Commit to using a calendar or planner and getting organized this year. Your    phone can be a  great tool.  The reminder function can be very useful.

9.  Learn more about your self and the world around you by volunteering or getting a part time job. Stop by the College & Career Center to learn more.

8.  Look for ways to be more connected to the Newton South school community through the arts, clubs, sports, leadership.

7.  Explore your strengths... see Mrs. Sabet in the College & Career Center to learn more.

6.  Do something nice each day for someone. You will benefit too!

5.  Visit the Math, Writing or Science Centers and see how these resources make a difference in your classes.

4.  Try something new... a class you are curious about, participate in a school-wide event like our 3rd Annual Lip Dub, step out of your comfort zone and audition for a play or to perform at Tertulia in the spring.

3.  Take advantage of WINs and meet with your teachers on a regular basis for extra help.

2. Seek to find a balance between your school responsibilities and your personal well-being. Sticking to a regular bed time and making healthy food choices are a couple of ways.

1. Make an appointment to meet one-on-one with your counselor at least once each semester. Now is a great time to get to know each other!

Through your SCOIR account, you have access to first hand information on hundreds of careers. Another great resource are career Informational interview videos like this.  Create your roadmap to your future by examining your interests and passions.