Standard of Excellence Medal Challenge

Each member of the Concert Band and Symphonic Band is encouraged to participate in the Standard of Excellence Medal Challenge. Standard of Excellence is the name of one of the top-rated band instrument instruction books, and we use it every day at Bigelow Middle School. There are three levels in the method; the Red book is the beginning level, the Blue book is the continuing level, and the Green book is the advanced level. Each book has fifty exercises to be checked off when the student completes them. At that point, the student has finished the book for that level and has earned a medal.

Then, the student begins work on the next level. Here is an overview from the publisher:

Here are the medals one can earn:

All a student needs to do is go get a copy of the Standard of Excellence book I for their instrument and start practicing. Newton Centre Music and Arts has these books in stock. If the student takes private lessons, the teacher may check off the completed exercises; or, I can do that after school. A parent may do this, too, but only if the parent has specific knowledge of the instrument. Otherwise, poor habits such as fingering and embouchure mistakes could go uncorrected. The medals will be awarded at the next concert.

I encourage your child to participate!