
Writing Choice Boards

Much like other things in life, with writing, PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS! In order to help students keep up their writing work, try working with these writing boards. Let's start with opinion writing and narrative writing: two methods we have studied. As time goes by, we will add more variety! Have fun writing!

Personal Narrative.pdf

Chocolate Milk Videos

Watch these videos about chocolate milk. Create notes in Google Keep as you go.

Hint: You can write down what the speaker says on paper. Then type it into a Google Keep Note.

Hint 2: Write down the time of your evidence.

Mid-West Dairy:


Is the calcium worth it?


A food scientist's View


Jamie Oliver, News


Chocolate Milk Articles

Question: Should we serve chocolate milk in schools?

Click on the upper right hand corner of this article to open the PDF.

More Harmful Than Healthful.PDF

Article 1 "Nutrition in Disguise" Midwest Dairy Council.pdf