Research Help

Creating a research question

Preparing to write a research question

Begin with supporting questions, or what we call "skinny" questions - often begin with "when", "who", "where", "how many".

These are factual questions that will give you background on your topic.

What makes a good research question?

  • you don't already know the answer to the question

  • it has more than one possible answer

  • aim for "fat" questions - cannot be answered in one word or sentence, make you think of other questions, often begin with "why", "how", "which"

  • avoid "skinny" questions for your main question

What Makes a Good Investigation Question?

A good investigation question is

  • Focused on a specific aspect of a larger topic (not too big!)

  • Researchable and open-ended

    • NOT a yes/no question

    • NOT a question where you can find the answer by doing a simple search online

  • Interesting to you