Hello Writers!

Click on the pictures or headings below to explore, learn and get supports for each genre of writing!

As scientists and explorers, you are constantly observing the world around you. You can continue to write like a scientist at home! Use this anchor chart to help you to remember how to write like a scientist. Don't forget that first grade scientists write many details about what they see and they also ask questions and write their wonderings. Happy hunting, observing and recording!

Writing letters is a great way to stay connected to your teachers, friends, classmates and family members! While you are home, try writing a letter to someone. Remember, you can write a letter to:

  • send a friendly letter/connect with someone

  • say thank you/show appreciation

  • inform others about something you have done or you know

  • send an invitation

  • persuade someone to change or do something

  • or just to show love

Writers, you are all having different adventures at home and becoming experts in different things. Some of you have become expert fort builders while others have become experts in sandwich-making. My five-year old has become an expert in taking off his brother's socks! We invite you to explore "Hot To" writing.

Personal narrative writing is writing a true story about something that really happened to you. We have been practicing with this type of writing since the beginning of the school year. Now that we are out of school, you are making many new, special memories with your families, and we would love to hear about them! We would love for you to continue to practice personal narrative writing at home, and share you writing with us, if you would like. Visit our personal narrative page for ideas, charts, videos, and writing paper choices.