These Absoraka Tears

Poem - by Andrew Roberts


This poem was written as a gift for my friend Xander Odell. Xander’s writing makes me see. It makes me smile. It spins me in circles, shakes me up, and brings me to tears — in all the right ways. The heart of this poem was inspired by their work— most especially their short story, "Scarecrone" — a horror story about prejudice, abuse, and love, all written with such subtly and discernment that it rises above confines of its genre.

These Absaroka Tears

I wonder what the scarecrow said

when she answered the two crows

perched upon her shoulders

cawing into her ears

with steam rising in that sharp sunlight


between the low clouds and the low hills

and through the grinning pickets

of the whitewashed fence

making the cornflower pattern

of her torn calico dress shine so bright

I wonder what she whispered

as the breeze moved through

her iron-gray hair

what she offered to them

what gift

and what the crows took

in exchange for the one black feather

left behind

when they took flight

was it a secret

or only the last shiny syllable

of her name

still wet with tears.

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