Please Hold

Poem - by Anna Remennik

Hello, our valued customer. Your call

Is vitally important. Your account

Is all we live for. Enter in the number

You're calling for, your date of birth. The day

Is young, the phone tree unexplored. We long

To serve you. Thank you. Welcome. Will you hold?

Thank you for holding. May we place on hold

Our valued you, our customer? (your call

Is too important to be rushed) -- just long

Enough to transfer you. Now your account

Number, please, and then the joyous day

Of your nativity. And now the number

You're calling for. Your SSN. The number

Of glittering fishes that the sea can hold,

The grains of sand which measure out a day,

Stars in the sky. Yes, thank you for your call.

There seems to be a glitch with your account,

But don't worry, it won't take us long

To fix it -- not when you reflect how long

Pines grow and glaciers crawl, the sheer number

Of years, by most conservative account,

That separate us from Earth's birth. Please hold

That thought in mind as we address your call.

We hope you're having a fantastic day!

Thank you for holding. Life is, like a day

In dead of winter, short, but art is long --

The art of customer support. Your call

Unfolding in five acts, the very number

The ancients recommend. Its tale will hold

A tragic flaw, catharsis... Your account

Appears inactive. Yes the same account

We have discussed with you four times today.

It is a mystery. But if you'll hold

We'll transfer you wherever you belong:

There're other worlds, and infinite in number,

And one of them is sure to take your call --

Your world. And you can call it to account.

Hold fast the day, the universe, your number.

Thank you for holding. It should not be long.

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