Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to New Milford Public School's 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year

Jenna Giudice

About Our Teacher of the Year

Ms. Giudice was born, raised and still lives in New Milford. She graduated from New Milford High School and went on to attend WCSU as an education student. Ms. Giudice has spent her entire career thus far in New Milford, even completing her student teaching here. She has worked for NMPS for fourteen years, starting out as a long term substitute and instructional tutor prior to being hired as a 3rd grade teacher in 2011. For the last eight years, Ms. Giudice has taught 2nd grade. Ms. Giudice said she knew early on that she wanted to be a teacher, “I would come home from school and play school.” Over the years, Ms. Giudice said she has worked alongside many amazing teachers, “NMPS is filled with talented and caring staff members. There are so many teachers in all of our schools that deserve the same recognition that I’m receiving today.” As a student at WCSU, Ms. Giudice was honored with the Alice Rumphius Award, given to an education student for outreach to the community. Miss Rumphius, a character invented by author Barbara Cooney, dreams of traveling the world when she grows up, then settling by the sea like her grandfather before her. Her grandfather also encourages her to do something to make the world more beautiful. Miss Rumphius does visit faraway places before settling by the sea where she spreads lupine seeds throughout the town, resulting in colorful flowers as far as the eye can see. Ms. Giudice shares this story with her students each year and she said she is always gratified that her students notice the other things Miss Rumphius does to make the world a more beautiful place; she is kind, helpful and forms friendships with many others. In her acceptance speech for Teacher of the Year, Ms. Giudice reminded colleagues that they too do so much each day to make the world a better place. “All of you have the ability to help shape the future as you work alongside our students, the future leaders of tomorrow.” She encouraged them to reflect on the things they do every day that may seem small but in actuality mean the world to their students. In closing Ms. Giudice said, “Each and every day I come to work I see so many examples of my colleagues striving to make a difference. My peers are extraordinary role models that are an inspiration for our students to go further and dream bigger. Like Miss Rumphius, your work this year will make the world a more beautiful place. May you see that beauty every day in the faces of your students.”