Professional Development and Evaluations Committee (PDEC)


An effective PDEC comprises certified teachers, administrators, and other appropriate school personnel, including representatives selected by the respective bargaining units. Members of a PDEC collaboratively define a shared vision and establish collective responsibility for the development, evaluation, and updating of a local comprehensive professional learning plan and participation in the development or adoption of the district educator evaluation and support program. The PDEC designs and regularly updates a comprehensive plan that clearly describes how professional learning is developed, implemented, monitored, and evaluated within a district. A district-level PDEC is required by statute; however, school-based PDECs may also exist. Those educators who sit on the PDEC have a fundamental knowledge base about good practice that helps develop and implement their professional learning plan aligned with the Connecticut Standards for Professional Learning. Members are expected to understand Connecticut’s definition and standards for professional learning. Figure 4 describes what a district and school-based PDEC should know and be able to do when designing and implementing a professional learning plan. (CT SDE)

Connecticut Advisory Council for Professional Learning

Overview of CT Standards for Professional Learning

PDEC  Membership 2022

Anne Bilko

Anthony Nocera

Ashley Kivela

Carrie Allen

Connie Williams

Cortni Muir

Dan Savo

Diane PfLomm

Gina Bernard

Darcy Campbell

Gwen Gallagher

Deb Clark

Diana Beddows

Janice Perrone

Jeff Bronn

Jen Amodeo

Sue Andrews

Meg Sylvester

Cortni Muir

Carrie Allen

Karen Bosco

Gavi Ziu Pires

Chris Testani

Lisa Morlock

Sara Delmastro

Stacey Haleks

Theresa McGuinness

Diana Beddows

Diane Pflomm

Meg Sylvester

Lisa Morlock

Karen Bosco

Chris Testani

Gina Bernard

Jen Saraiva

Jen Titus

Jessica Ward

Jillian Slater

Kerri Adakaonis

Kevin Deitz

Laura Olson

Lauren Bergner

Linda Scoralick

Lynn Nissenbaum

Michelle Klee

Sue Andrews

Theresa McGuinness

Tracey Menzies

Kim Patella

Educator Evaluation 

2021-22 Folder 

2022-23 Folder 

Professional Development 

2022-2023 - Calendar 

2023-23 Calendar

Professional Learning 

Link Here - Request Form

Expectation for Participation in Out-of-District PD

Process for Request