Four Fort Nites Challenge

How it works:

Complete three out of five challenges to be entered to win an Amazon gift card in September. Free books will be given to participants on a first come, first served basis in June. All completed challenges can be turned in:

    • via email to
    • shared on Instagram @newlebanonhs
    • you can hand in paper copies of all challenges at the end of the summer to Mrs. Buckenroth.

Winners will be drawn the first week we return to school.

Challenge #1: Pleasant Park

Using create an image using the title of a book you read and an shape that represents the book in some way.

Challenge #2: Dusty Divot

Create a short book trailer for a book you read using a video maker like Animoto or AdobeSpark Click here for an example.

Challenge #3: Tomato Town

Use one of these sign generators to summarize a book you read this summer. Take a screenshot and share.

Construction Sign Generator:

Gas Station Sign Generator:

Street Party SIgn Generator:

Challenge #4: Tilted Towers

Make a logo for a book you read using this website: Once you’ve made it you can download it and share it, take a screenshot, or print it out.

Challenge #5: Retail Row

Take a selfie with a book. You need to be outside and the selfie needs a caption describing where you are.

Here I am with the book Knock Out by K.A. Holt. Technically I am not outside, but that is because I am building this reading challenge website. You can see what this book is about by clicking on the animoto book trailer on challenge #2.