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Tech Tips from emails (click to expand)

Video Annotation in Studio

You can quickly annotate any video you have in Studio in Canvas and add in helpful text or links. With some easy edits, the text and/or links will be displayed over the video forcing the video to pause until the viewer has to hit the Continue button to start again. This can be a great way to fix an error in a video or to add depth to the video by adding some useful information or a link to an external site.

You can find out how to do this using the Canvas support page, https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Studio/How-do-I-add-annotations-to-my-media-in-Canvas-Studio/ta-p/456910, and you can even see an example of this in action on one of the videos that I created for using Immersive Reader in Helperbird, https://nevadacubs.instructure.com/courses/10117.

The annotations are visible when you embed the annotated videos into a Page on Canvas using the Apps - Studio option. If you do not see Studio under the Apps button, click View All to add it. You can't view the annotations when using the share link from the Studio page for that media. (Hopefully this will change with future updates)

ITEC Resources

Recently a few of us were gone last week for the ITEC 2021 Spring Virtual Conference. While we can’t directly share the videos from the conference, there are some resources we can share and as usual, just let us know if you have any questions.

Google Expeditions and Tour Creator going away

Collaborative Digital Whiteboards

  • Google finally brought in version history into Jamboard which is great when you are using it to collaborate with others. Jamboard is a very useful whiteboard tool but there are a few other new ones that there are some recent posts over it.

WeVideo Updates and Info

  • WeVideo is a tool that teachers/students have access to in our district and they have been pushing out some updates over the last year to improve the function and usability for learning. Creating videos can be a great for students to show their understanding of a concept, work collaboratively with other students to meet a goal, and to use critical thinking skills in order to determine how best to communicate their solution.

    • Screen & Webcam Recorder

      • WeVideo recently released a new Chrome extension that allows you to be able to quickly record your screen and/or webcam. This is great for creating quick videos to give directions or to explain some concepts for students. If you need to edit your video, you can import it into WeVideo but this is more for those times you need to quickly create a video to share out. Just go to the Chrome web store to install it in Chrome.

  • The following are some blog posts by WeVideo about some of the updates they have rolled out in the last year.

    • Improve Full Screen Recording Tools

      • In the full WeVideo program, you have more options when creating a screen recording. When recording both your screen and your webcam, it will easily create separate video tracks in WeVideo so you can edit and resize them separately in order to improve the quality of your video. This is different than the Chrome extension as you need to be logged into the full site (https://www.wevideo.com/) to access this tool set.

    • Gif Creator

      • WeVideo added a Gif Creator option last year for when you want to create a quick gif from a video you have already recorded. This is a great way to easily create a gif image in order to show or highlight something. You can easily add text and effects to your clip.

    • Stock Video Sites For Your Project

      • While we have access to the stock video library found in WeVideo which has a ton of available images and videos to use in your project, there are also some other sites that you can use to get some stock footage to use for your video. To get to the built-in stock library, just start a new project and you will see the “Stock media” tab where you will find all of the free stock footage in WeVideo.

Split Screen on your Mac

  • Have you ever wanted to split your screen so you can work on two tabs at the same time without flipping back and forth? This short tutorial video can show you how. You can also do this with a Google Meet on one side and any site on the other side.

HelperBird Tip: Change your Font

  • There are many features to HelperBird that can help all learners. One feature you might want to check out is how you can change the font on any website quickly and easily. There may be times that you don't like the font on a website. You can create a consistent looking font across the web based on your taste. Watch the short video below to learn how to change the font. https://youtu.be/i1EeaekPHIo

Fresh Start in Canvas

  • Some of you have asked how to give your students a clean slate in their Canvas courses (that are year long courses) for the start of the 2nd semester. You can unpublish your modules (click the green checkmark at the right of each module). Then put availability end dates on assignments so they do not appear in their to-do list on their dashboard. You can add end availability dates in bulk. Here is how you can do so.

Copying/Importing Canvas Course Material

  • I have received a couple of questions this morning about transferring/copying content from one course to another term course. For example, a term 1 class that is now going to be taught term 3 again. Refer to this google doc to copy your course from one term to another.

Student View Update in Canvas

  • Canvas has added a "Student View" icon on EVERY page in Canvas!! Finally!! This is so nice that you don't have to go back to the home page or settings like before to see what the students see when in Canvas.

  • On the top right of each page, discussion, assignment, module, you will see a pair of glasses which is Student View. Just click that to enable Student View and see what the students see.

Jamboard Templates

  • Here is a great collection of Jamboard Templates.

  • If you are not familiar with Jamboard, it is an interactive whiteboard that can be used on the Chromebook or iPad. Think of it as a synchronous Google Docs whiteboard.

  • Here are some tutorials and ideas for using it with your students.

Chrome 89 Updates (Screen Recorder, QR Code reader, Select to Speak updates)

  • Google updated the Chrome operating system this week to Chrome 89 which adds some useful features for students. The update introduces a new screen capture and screen recording tool, one that is built-in to the Chromebook for students to easily use to record their screens and their audio. You also can now use the built-in camera app to read QR codes without needing a different tool.

  • Google also updated their Select to Speak tool that allows you to select text on a site/file to be read aloud by the Chromebook. They added some new options to control the speed and other features of the voice and it seems to work really well.

  • Watch the video here to see how to use this feature. If the student’s Chromebook has not updated to Chrome 89 yet, they can do a manual update, which is covered in that video.

Updates and Tech Tips

  • Here is a great collection of Jamboard Templates.

    • If you are not familiar with Jamboard, it is an interactive whiteboard that can be used on the Chromebook or iPad. Think of it as a synchronous Google Docs whiteboard.

    • Here are some tutorials and ideas for using it with your students.

  • Recording issues in Canvas on an iPad for Elementary students:

    • Click on the music and video icon in Canvas where your teacher was asking to record. Instead of clicking on the record button like they explained in the video, just click on the rocket and the video camera option should pop up to record there.

Upcoming Features announced by Google on 8-11-2020

  • Google Meet

    • Larger tiled view of up to 49 people (Available now)

    • Integrated whiteboard for collaboration - Jamboard (Available now)

    • New moderator controls so you can control who joins first, end meetings for all participants, disable in-meeting chat (Available now)

    • Blurred and custom backgrounds (October)

    • Temporary recordings for all meets for up to 30 days (October)

  • Google Docs

    • Citations tool built directly into Docs (Available now)

  • Google Assignments in Canvas updated!

    • Updated and includes up to 5 uses of Originality Reports, you can attach the Originality Report tool to 5 assignments throughout the year

  • Closed Captions in Canvas Studio videos - Just a reminder that closed captioning is not automatically created for every Studio video you create but it is something you can quickly enable after it is created. You just need to enable the closed captioning and then publish it, you can even edit the automatically created track before publishing. You can see how to do that in the first part of this video: https://nevadacubs.instructuremedia.com/embed/bada1137-a681-443f-9f65-607d6c52d057

  • Loom screen recorder - In case Studio is not working to your liking for a screen recording tool, Loom is another tool that is free to educators. You can create your free account and then request the educator access to get all of the premium features. One interesting feature of Loom is that the webcam view is a circular window but you can’t move that window around after recording so you have to set the location on your screen before you start to record. You can find more about Loom at https://www.freetech4teachers.com/2020/10/loom-updates-with-some-great-features.html

  • Ed Tech Flipboard magazines - Flipboard is a great curation tool and we are starting to curate some useful resources and posts regarding teaching and learning with technology. You can get access to these magazines from our Tech and Learning site https://sites.google.com/nevadacubs.org/nevada-tech-and-learning/other-resources-and-support

  • Whiteboard.fi - If you are looking for an online whiteboard tool that allows the teacher to easily see all of the student whiteboards, Whiteboard.fi is very quick and easy to set up. You do not even need to create an account but you also won't be able to access older whiteboards unless you download them before you leave that page. You can find out about the aspects of Whiteboard.fi at https://whiteboard.fi/#faq.

You can create a copy for each student and have access before they submit the assignment.

Setup your Assignments to sync to Powerschool.

Using a Google Doc, create a template that makes a copy for each student. Includes an area for students to draw and take notes.
Easily get a direct link to any activity in SeeSaw to share with students.
Learn to create a signup genius for different events

Easy way to have students annotate a PDF is to use Google Drawing.

You can easily insert an audio file (as long as it is the right format) into a Slide deck. Use https://online-voice-recorder.com/ to easily record audio clips.