Welcome to Art!

Hello Students and Parents!

What can you find on this site?

This is where lessons and all art making resources provided in class can be found. By looking under each grade there will be lessons provided for that week, and the Art for Fun page has various resources to try for making art on your own. There is a page detailing the schedule of art days, as well as my contact information for parents if there are any questions. Feel free to explore the site for what you are searching for. 

This class will be one to prepare students to begin thinking creatively about various challenges brought to them. They will be asked to try to express themselves within their artworks to determine their own style.  Lessons will be based on the state standards, and will follow according to the grade level requirements. 


Meet Mrs. Foster


I am the art teacher at Truman Elementary School. This is my fourth year teaching, and I'm more than excited about it! I grew up in Webb City, MO, and had gone to Webb City Schools all throughout my elementary and high school years. I graduated from Webb City High School in 2016 and graduated from Pittsburg State University in the Spring of 2020 with a Bachelor's  Degree in Arts.

I enjoy exploring new ways of creating things. I hope that throughout the school year, I can assist students with their own experiments in creation. Everyone has their own unique style, and I hope that through this school year students will be able to discover their own personal style as well as adventuring out of their comfort zone.