Why should I do it?

“As an employer, I want to see that people coming to work for us have more to offer than their academic qualifications"

Phil Smith, CEO, Cisco UK & Ireland

Bronze Promotion Jan 2019.mp4

Young people make positive changes to their lives and communities by participating in the Award.

The D of E impact framework identifies these impacts and how the Award measures up against them

It's a great way to supercharge your C.V.

It is not what you do for your kids, but what you teach them to do for themselves that make them successful in life.

Amey plc

Mel Ewell, CEO

“We believe so wholeheartedly in the DofE that we guarantee to interview anyone with a Gold Award on their CV who meets 70% of the skills needed for the role.”



“The DofE is a fantastic Charity that equips young people from all backgrounds with essential professional skills such as leadership and teamwork.”



“What really makes students and graduate applicants stand out from the crowd in a saturated market is having credentials like a DofE Award on their CV.”

National Grid


“Whether you're applying to a college or a job, your DofE will put you ahead of the pack by helping to develop skills which are seen as critical for success.”

"The Award overall was such a fun experience and all the activities I took part in were worth all my time, they have taught me so much! The Award will definitely teach you things that you didn't know before which is great!" (NES student)

See what other young people have to say about doing the Award.

Responses from NES students in an online survey:

"It's an amazing experience to go on a journey that you will remember. It will change you for the better."

"It's fun, challenging, requires effort and is all worth it now and in the future".

"The award is a life changing experience which can benefit it's participants and can teach them useful skills they can use in all aspects of their daily life."

"It is beneficial regarding universities, and it adds edge. You will remember the memories made with your group mates and will learn life skills."

"It was probably the most fun week of my life."

Letter from a Silver Alumni:

“...it is culpable neglect not to impel young people into experiences.”

Kurt Hahn

“The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a global mark of achievement. Wherever in the world young people may have participated, I know that they will have learned first-hand about team working, respect, excellence and courage – values that BP holds dear.”

Dev Sanyal, Executive vice president & group chief of staff, BP