Time Scales and Levels
The Award is not easy, it requires commitment, progress and perseverance over a long period of time...that's what makes it respected!!!
There are 3 levels:
Bronze (minimum age to start: 13 ¾ )
Silver (minimum age to start: 14 ¾ , NES accepts no participants onto Silver level without Bronze)
Gold (minimum age to start: 16 years)
To complete a level, you need to do the following for a specified time period:
(You cannot retrospectively credit activities; only activities undertaken after you register may count towards your Award.)

This section encourages young people to participate in sport and other physical recreational activities for the improvement of health and fitness.
Rule of thumb: If it makes you sweat, it's a physical, like:
- Football, squash, tennis, volleyball
- Athletics
- Water Sports
- Animal Sports
- Contact sports / martial Arts
It is unlikely that we would accept the following as a physical:
- Going to the gym (unless you can show to us that you have a clear weekly programme that you’re following)
- Swimming in your pool (without supervision and a clear goal: that’s simply just swimming).
Follow this link for programme ideas.
This is any activity where you give your time and provide a service to others like:
- helping out at the handicapped centre
- environmental club
- peer tutoring club
- helping in the primary school
- helping at the Print / Oasis
- helping in the library
- helping at K's Path
A service must be UNPAID and NOT for a family member. Looking after your baby sister, washing your father’s car, cleaning your room does not qualify!
Follow this link for programme ideas.
This section encourages the development of personal interests and practical and social skills.
Rule of thumb: If it does not make you sweat but you're learning something new, then it's a skill, like:
- Learning to play a musical instrument, a new language, to play chess
- Umpiring, refereeing
- Electronics club, Astronomy club
- Arts: painting, drawing, calligraphy
- Drama and Theatre skills
- Democracy & political studies such as MUN
Follow this link for programme ideas
Skills, Physical and Service sections must be endorsed by your Activity Coach (your assessor). This is normally an adult who runs the activity and is knowledgeable and experienced in your choice of activity.
All activities must have realistic goals (called SMART goals). Participants set their own goals, advised by the Award Leader.
Follow this link for more information on SMART goals.
This section encourages a sense of adventure whilst undertaking a team journey or expedition. As part of a small team, participants will plan, train for and undertake a journey with a defined purpose in an unfamiliar environment.
Traditionally NES expeditions were held in the following locations:
- Bronze: Practice Expedition in northern Kuwaiti desert & Qualifying Expedition in Fujairah (U.A.E)
- Silver: Practice Expedition at Wafra farms & Qualifying Expedition in Cyprus (Akamas Mountains)
- Gold: Practice Expedition at Wafra farms. Qualifying Expedition at various locations. In the past we have travelled to Thailand, South Africa, Nepal and Italy.
The Residential Project, completed only at Gold level, aims to broaden participants' horizons through involvement with others in a residential setting.
Click here for more information on each section
Time Scales Explained
Physical, Skill and Service sections for...
Adventurous Journey
6 months
Non Bronze holders must do an extra 6 months in either Physical, Skill or Service section. ONLY in exceptional cases will students at NES be allowed to start Silver without first completing their Bronze Award.
3 days + 2 nights
12 months
Non Silver holders must do an extra 6 months in either Physical, Skill or Service section. ONLY in exceptional cases will students at NES be allowed to start Gold without first completing their Silver Award.
4 days + 3 nights
*Plus additional requirement of 5 days & 4 night Residential Project (Gold level only).