TMSS Scholarship Fund
TMSS 2025 Graduating Student Information
The TMSS Scholarship Fund awarded $32,400 at our 2025 graduation.
Only the students who apply are considered for these awards. Two awards are specifically designated for persons attending technical schools.
If you have a 70% average or even think you might have, PLEASE APPLY.
Submissions are not open yet for 2025
Submission deadline is:
Thursday May 29, 2025 at 3:30
Late applications are not considered.
APPLICATIONS for 2025 TMSS Graduating students have not yet opened.
Graduation Requirements
In order to qualify for a scholarship from the TMSS Scholarship Fund, a student must:
Have in his/her possession or apply for a Social Insurance Number - the committee needs this to issue the cheque.
Meet the criteria of the TMSS Graduation Policy
Meet the academic achievement requirements for scholarship. 70% - see below for calculation of Averages.
Complete and submit an application by the May deadline.
Attend a recognized post-secondary institute.
Averages are calculated using the final marks achieved in the following subjects:
English A 30
English B 30
Canadian Studies 30
1 level 30 math
1 level 30 science
1 other course numbered 30
In the case where a Departmental final is required, the teacher-assigned mark shall be used in calculating the average except where final marks are available for all students, in which case, the Department marks will be used.
Sask DLC classes may be considered for TMSS scholarship fund average calculations if they represent a required class (for the TMSS Scholarship fund average calculation) and have been approved by the academic advisor and the scholarship fund board.
Mark calculations to the Justin Peterson Memorial Scholarship are as follows:
A 20 level Math and/or Science may be used only if no 30 level Math or 30 level Science was taken.
Payment of Scholarships
Recipients will be announced at the graduation ceremonies in June.
Monies will be awarded upon receipt of an official transcript from a recognized post-secondary institute. Where the scholarship dictates a student must be enrolled in a specific college, the transcript must reflect this information.
Have obtained the equivalent of 24 (Saskatchewan University) class credits or successfully completed 80% of one full year of study at a recognized post secondary institution within thirty-eight months of his/her June graduation
Within a 38 month period following high school graduation, submit to the Chairperson of the TMSS Scholarship Fund an official post secondary transcript verifying the completion of the required class credit equivalents in the area designated by the applicable scholarship.
Funds will be held in trust until verification of transcripts.
Unclaimed monies shall remain in the TMSS Scholarship Fund.
Transcript should be forwarded to:
TMSS Scholarship Fund
c/o Chairperson
Box 1000
Tisdale, SK S0E 1T0
TMSS Scholarship Fund Donations
Donate to TMSS Scholarship Fund: Instructions
Donors to the TMSS Scholarship Fund