
Materials and Supplies

Before you begin the process of cultivating Smooth Cordgrass, we recommend that you pull together the following supplies for each of the five steps of this program: seed collection, seed storage, seed germination, seed cultivation, and seedling transplantation.

Hydroponic Seed Growing

Seed Collection (Late October - Early December)

  • “Gettin’ Muddy” clothes, shoes, and boots

  • Sunscreen and bug spray

  • *Re-closeable gallon-sized plastic bags (e.g. Ziplock©) OR small tubs/lids

  • Gardening hand shears or scissors (optional)

  • Teacher Data Sheet (provided at workshop)

Flowering Smooth Cordgrass

If you’ve never looked closely, you may not have noticed the flowers of Smooth Cordgrass! Beginning in late August, small, delicate, white flowers will appear on the upper part of the Smooth Cordgrass stalk. From late October through the beginning of December, a seed head will develop in place of the flowers that contains hundreds of seeds no bigger than the size of a rice grain. Once this seed head appears, the seeds will need time to mature before harvesting. Tips for identifying seeds ready for harvest and suggested collection methods include:

  • VISUAL: Wait for the stalk to go completely to seed – there should be few flowers still blooming on the stalk. Look to see if the seeds are green or brown color. Seeds ready for harvest should be brown in color.

  • FINGER TEST: Gently pinch the base of the stalk (where the seeds are located) between your thumb and index finger. Run Your fingers up the tip of the stalk -- if the seeds easily fall off the stalk, then they are ready to be harvested. If they do not fall off easily (you have to pull hard for them to release), then you may need to harvest at a later date.

Suggested Harvesting Methods:

  • Option A. (PREFERRED) Directly remove the seeds from the stalk using your thumb and index finger. Collect in a plastic bag.

  • Option B. Use gardening hand shears or strong scissors to clip the stalk just below the seed head. Place stalks into a bag or plastic container and remove seeds later.

  • Collect seeds from more than one location on more than one date. Diversity matters! Label each ziploc bag with location and collection date for reference later.

Suggested Amount:

The more the better. Seed viability can vary greatly each year and by location. Based on the size of your greenhouse, we recommend harvesting seeds from 20-25 stalks on each date, from each site. Remember to fill out your Teacher Data Sheet!! Collect seeds from more than one location on more than one date. Diversity matters. Label each bag with location and date.

Seeds ready for harvesting.

Harvested seeds.

Seed Storage (Late October - Middle December)

  • Access to fresh water Refrigeration space (for 6-8 weeks)

  • Permanent marker

  • *Re-closeable gallon-sized plastic bags (e.g. Ziplock©) OR small tubs/lids

  • Teacher Data Sheet (provided at workshop)

Now that you’ve harvested your stalks or seeds of Smooth Cordgrass, your next step will be to recreate the dormancy stage of the life cycle. In nature, the dormant period occurs after the Smooth Cordgrass plant has dropped the seeds into the pluff mud and lasts from the late fall through early spring. To simulate this step, remember two things: the seeds must remain cold and wet for a period of at least 6-8 weeks. Keeping the seeds cold simulates the winter months and keeping the seeds wet recreates the saturated conditions of a wetland environment. “Keep your seeds cold and wet; For 6-8 weeks -- don’t forget!”

Suggested Storage Method:

Store your seeds no later than 24 hours after collecting your seeds or stalks. If you collected stalks, pinch the base of the stalk with your thumb and forefinger, and gently run your hand up the stalk. The seeds should come off easily. Once you have seeds free from the stalk, place the seeds in a sieve, strainer, or net and clean the seeds of debris using tap water. Place seeds in a resealable gallon-sized plastic bag or plastic bin (with lid) and fill with tap water and seal. Label the bag or container with the date the seeds are placed in the fridge as well as the location that the seeds were harvested. Place the bag or container in a refrigerator (~40°F) for 6-8 weeks. It is normal for mold to grow in the bag.

Remember to fill out your Teacher Data Sheet!

Seeds in cold, wet storage.

Seed Germination (December - January)

  • Sieve, strainer, or net

  • Greenhouse or hothouse

  • Thermometer for greenhouse temperature

  • Access to freshwater

  • *Re-closeable gallon-sized plastic bags (e.g. Ziplock©) OR small tubs/lids

  • Teacher Data Sheet (provided at workshop)

Suggestions for Seed Preparation:

Your seeds have been collected and stored for 6-8 weeks ‐‐ now it’s time to begin the germination process!

  1. Pour the seeds out of the container into a sieve, strainer or net. Gently rinse seeds with tap water to remove mold build up and any debris.

  2. Place your seeds in a container or bag; fill with tap water and seal.

Suggestions for Seed Germination:

Keep your seeds WET and WARM! (Warm = 72 – 82 degrees F) “Keep your seeds wet and warm; and Smooth Cordgrass will begin to form”

  1. Place sealed seed containers/bags in a greenhouse or hothouse.

  2. Check seeds daily to be sure seeds are wet and warm.

  3. Germination should begin between 1-2 weeks. Within two weeks, remove the germinated seeds and plant (See Cultivation Steps in next section).

  4. Return ungerminated seeds to the greenhouse and monitor over the next week. Remove and plant germinated seeds.

Remember to fill out your Teacher Data Sheet!

Germinated Smooth Cordgrass seeds

Standard Seed Cultivation (December - January)

  • Watering trays (e.g. plastic tubs that can hold several pots and water)

  • Potting soil that is fertilized (e.g. Miracle Gro©)

  • Pots or plastic cups (with holes in bottom)

  • Access to freshwater

  • Greenhouse or hothouse

  • Teacher Data Sheet (provided at workshop)

Planting Preparation:

We recommend removing and planting germinated seeds on the same day to prevent drying out. Organizing your students to plant the seeds is entirely up to you. Some schools set up stations:

  1. filling the pots with soil

  2. placing the seeds in the pots

  3. watering the plants/watering trays

  4. placing pots in greenhouse.

Other schools group the students allowing each student to do each step. You know your students best!


Place watering trays, pots, soil and germinated seeds on tables. Have students fill each pot with potting soil and plant 5 germinated seeds into each pot – 1 seed in each corner and 1 seed in the middle. This will allow the rhizomes enough room to grow over the next few months. Place the pots in the watering trays. Once a watering tray is full of planted pots, take the tray out to the greenhouse and fill watering tray half-way with water. The pots will wick (take up) water into the soil from the watering trays. Check daily to be sure the plants are staying adequately watered and that the temperature is warm. Leave ungerminated seeds in water and check in 7-10 days. Plant newly germinated seeds in pots in greenhouse with others. Place ungerminated seeds in a large pot with soil and place in greenhouse.

Remember to fill out your Teacher Data Sheet!

Smooth Cordgrass seedlings

Hydroponic Seed Cultivation (December - January)

  • Greenhouse

  • Water Pump

  • Pool

  • Shelves

  • Watering trays with holes

  • Pots

  • Potting Soil

  • Access to freshwater

  • Cinder block/rock/weight

  • Teacher Data Sheet (provided at workshop)

Planting Preparation:

We recommend removing and planting germinated seeds on the same day to prevent drying out. The way in which you organize your students to plant the seeds is entirely up to you. Some schools set up stations:

  1. filling the pots with soil

  2. placing the seeds in the pots

  3. placing pots in trays

  4. placing the pots in the hydroponics pool

Some schools group the students allowing each student to do each step. You know your students best!

Planting Hydroponic Seeds:

  • Fill pots with potting soil

  • Place 5 germinated seeds into the soil in each pot – one seed in each corner and one seed in the middle (this will allow the rhizomes enough room to grow over the next few months).

  • Place the pots in the watering trays.

  • Place the shelves at the bottom of your pool. Weigh down the shelves with a cinder block/rock/weight

  • Place watering trays with planted pots on top of the shelves.

  • Ensure that water level in pool is high enough to saturate the soil inside the pots.

  • Check daily to ensure that your pump is running, that water level is high enough, and that the temperature is warm.

Hydroponic pool with coconut fiber

Hydroponic pool with soil

Algae growth in hydroponic pool is completely normal

Seed Transplantation (Early April - Late May)

  • “Gettin’ Muddy” clothes, shoes, boots

  • Salt marsh location (determined by your contact person)

  • Teacher Data Sheet (provided at workshop)

  • YourSmooth Cordgrass seedlings!

  • Tarp, sheet, etc. to transport seedlings

PLEASE NOTE THAT NOT ALL SITES WILL BE DOING THIS STEP. You have arrived to the final step! By now, you should have a good “crop” of healthy Smooth Cordgrass seedlings that are ready to be transplanted. You will work with your contact person to determine the best date and location for your Restoration Day where students will transplant their seedlings!

Restoration Day:

The date and location will be advised by your contact person. You will be sent an online Restoration Day form in which you can request the date, location, and additional lessons to be conducted during your Restoration Day. Your contact person will work with you to finalize the agenda in order to ensure the safety of your students and maximize the time you all have together.

Transporting seedlings:

Place a tarp (or other protective material) in your vehicle and load your seedlings. If you have small seedlings, you can combine the seedlings into larger pots. Student Preparation: Please be sure to have conducted at least 2 of the suggested activities prior to your Restoration Day. These activities will prepare your students for their Restoration Day and make for a meaningful experience. You will get muddy! Students should wear appropriate shoes, boots, and other clothing.

Transplanting seedlings:

Plants will either be planted 1 foot apart or grouped in clumps. Your contact person will advise you on the best method. Plantings may happen each year so you may want to mark the area that you plant so you can see the fruits of you labor from year to year!

Remember to fill out your Teacher Data Sheet!

Restoration Day!