Grit: The Power Of Passion And Perseverance
論語 [Kindle reading 2024]
To read/listen
How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk (Adele Faber)
The 5am club (Robin Sharma)
Zero to one (Peter Thiel)
The art of public speaking (google book)
Positive thinking power (google ab)
Design thinking handbook (google ab)
Meditations (google ab)
Persuadable: How Great Leaders Change Their Minds to Change the World
Big Think Strategy
The back of the napkin
Quiet leadership
Predictably Irrational
How to win friends and influence people
What the CEO wants you to know
Die Kunst Des Klaren Denkens
Pretending you care
Tell to win
Made to stick
Steal like an artist
Einstein's dreams
Small data
Disrupted - Dan Lyons
You are not so smart
To sell is human
I will teach you to be rich
Save the cat!
The game
Words that sell
Thinking with Type
Six sigma team dynamics
The first 90 days
Whatever you think, think the opposite [2024]
10 Principles to love yourself: How to start your day and sleep peacefully [listened 2024]
Rich dad poor dad [listened 2024]
Social media strategy [2024]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change [listened 2024]
假裝一切正常 [2024]
The compound effect [listened 2024]
大學 [2024]
The Headspace Guide to ... Mindfulness & Meditation: 10 minutes can make all the ... [2024]
The Spirituality of Grief [2024]
The Time Cleanse by Steven Griffith [2024]
自控力+压力做朋友 [2023]
狼道管理思維 [2023]
肉 [2023]
從今天開始,請用左手吃飯 [2021]
極簡閲讀 [2021]
助理建筑师 [2020]
解憂雜貨店 [2020]
贏者思維 [2020]
微習慣 [2020]
The Daily Drucker
45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy
ASK and You Will SUCCEED
1Q84 (1-3)
The persuasive leader
The Long Tail
Make People Like You
You have 3 minutes!
Attitude is everything
It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be.
IT Risk
Teams that click
How philosophy can save your life
Guide to Financial Management
How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere
Seeing what's next
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7 Good Minutes
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