My Courses

Care and Connect

My Care and Connect this year is Dem Boyz! I am so excited to get to meet and work with this awesome group of guys this year. I have tons of fun things planned to cover with them and will hopefully be best of the Moore house!

Intro to ag

The Introduction to Agriculture course will serve as a "taste" of agriculture and our role in it. This course will change over in December. Some of the topics explored include an in depth look at the animal science field, agriculture communications, and an explorer FFA Unit. Pictured are past 6th graders presenting to incoming 5th graders, encouraging them to take the course.

Advanced ag.

The Advanced Agriculture course will be offered to students who have previously been enrolled in Intro to Agriculture. This is a half-year course that will alternate in December/January. This course will explore a more in-depth look at agriculture topics covered in Introduction to Agriculture, and focus on hands-on learning in topics of Horticulture, Animal Science, Floral Design, and Food Science. 

Principles of Ag

The Principles of Agriculture course here at OKH will count for H.S credit for those students wishing to continue the pathway into high school. This will count as their traditional "First year" agriculture class at the high school. This allows for students to jump right into their desired agriculture classes upon leaving OKH. In addition, this course is a year-round course. Students will cover a variety of topics ranging from Animal Science, to Agriculture Mechanics. A full syllabus for this course will be posted here when available.