When to keep your child home sick.


It is important to share that even though formal universal contact tracing has been suspended, other expectations remain the same:

• If someone tests positive, they need to stay home and isolate for 5 days.

(If they do not have symptoms:)

Day 0 is the day they were tested (not the day they received their positive test result)

Day 1 is the first full day following the day they were tested

If they develop symptoms within 10 days of when they were tested, the clock restarts at day 0 on the day of symptom onset

After 5 days, they should assess their symptoms and if they have met the criteria

below, they can end isolation but still wear a mask through day 10:

• They are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication)

• Their symptoms are improving

(If they have symptoms:)

Day 0 of isolation is the day of symptom onset, regardless of when they tested positive

Day 1 is the first full day after the day their symptoms started

After 5 days, they may end isolation but still wear a mask through day 10.

(Option to test to remove mask sooner than day 10:)

Consider using antigen tests if they are available. With two sequential negative tests 48 hours apart, the sick person may remove their mask sooner than day 10.

Note: If their antigen test results are positive, they may still be infectious. They should continue wearing a mask and wait at least 48 hours before taking another test.

The sick person should continue taking antigen tests at least 48 hours apart until they have two sequential negative results. This may mean they need to continue wearing a mask and testing beyond day 10.


• Anyone who is a known close contact should wear a mask for 10 days, self-monitor for symptoms, and test on day six. There is no restriction on activities.

• If a child is sick, they should remain at home and not go to school.

(COVID-19 is still a reportable condition)

Any individual having knowledge of a person suffering from COVID-19 is required to report it to their local health department in accordance with OAC 3701-3-03.


Please report positive cases of COVID-19 to CCCHD using the following link:


Below are instructions from the Clark County Combined Health District to report a positive test and instructions for exposure.

Home Test Instructions for Schools 8.12.22.pdf (369K)

CCCHD COVID19 Isolation and Exposure 20220812b.pdf (162K)

Please use the following website to locate testing locations for COVID-19: https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/dashboards/other-resources/testing-ch-centers

If you need a Free Covid-19 test go to the following website: https://www.covidtests.gov

COVID-19 Vaccination locations: https://gettheshot.coronavirus.ohio.gov