Communication Plan

Teacher-Parent Communication

Parents should continue to reach me through the Class Dojo app. If you require assistance with the Class Dojo app, please send your child's teacher an email.

Teacher-Student Communication

In order to facilitate direct communication with students, each teacher is setting up a 'Remind' group for students to message their teacher directly.Please have your child set this up on the device they will be utilizing to communicate with their teacher. Your child will be able to message their teacher directly regarding questions on assignments and will be receiving feedback as well.*Other Information about Remind*Please note that all students will only be able to message the teacher, not each other.Any questions or communication from parents should go through the Class Dojo app.By having your child sign up for Remind, you are authorizing your consent for your child to communicate with their teacher through this platform.If you are unable to have your child sign up for Remind, please continue contacting your child's teacher through Class Dojo.

Remind Codes are shown below. Please note that all codes are listed below. Make sure to sign up with the correct teacher.