In case you missed...

To view homework assignments:

Click the Classwork/Homework tab above,

 The homework is always starred in the lists, so if there is a star on an assignment listed on Monday, that homework is due on Tuesday. All starred items are due the following day. Sometimes the starred items may seem like a lot, and maybe they are, but oftentimes, the "homework" can be finished in class or during seminar. Kids with band or orchestra will typically have a lot more homework to finish at home because they miss out on seminar (study hall). 

* Homework club meets daily from 2:30-3:30 p.m. in the Health Room.

***NMS Tutoring is being offered from 2:30-3:30***

Monday-5/6 math with Mr. Hongisto

Tuesday-5/6 math with Mrs. Belanger or 5/6 ELA with Mrs. Lammi

Wednesday-5/6 math with Mr. Cardinal