PBIS Videos

Rita Pierson

"Every Kid Needs A Champion."

Rita Pierson, a teacher for 40 years, once heard a colleague say, "They don't pay me to like the kids." Her response: "Kids don't learn from people they don't like.'" A rousing call to educators to believe in their students and actually connect with them on a real, human, personal level.

Rita Pierson

Mrs Pierson shows how she avoids power struggles but handling this cell phone cheating issue with dignity.
Copy of Final Tardy Video.mp4

Walnut Grove High School

Tardy Definition by Students of Walnut Grove High School

Copy of fb-rollout (1).mp4

Walnut Grove High School

PBIS Rollout Fall 2020 Student Made

"Be a Mr. Jensen"

A must see video!

D J Baptiste

"Life Changed because of Mrs. Porter"

D J Baptiste

"Power of Words" from former gang leader.

What is PBIS?

"The Best Intro Video!"

Introduction to PBIS

"All Behavior Happens for a Reason."

Georgia Appleseed

"Changing Direction: Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline."


John Early Magnet School, Nashville, TN Award Winner

Chase Mielke '14 Mich T.O.Y

"What Students Really Need to Hear"

Dirty Data

"Importance of Clean Data"

Behind the scenes

"So you want to make PBIS Videos?"

Jeremy Anderson

PBIS "Respect"

Jeremy Anderson

PBIS "Responsibility"

TED talk

"Positive Behavior Supports"

TV Interview

"PBIS from Teacher's Perception."

PBIS School Bus Safety

"PBIS School Safety Tips"

2019-20 Bus Safety

"Bus Safety Video for Students"

Kevin Hines

"I jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge."


Many PBIS Videos on variety of subjects


Rap video

The Amazing Race to Class

"Student produced video explores the high school tardies."

Funny - Big Bang Theory

"Positive Behavior Support Final"

Bob Newhart

"Stop It" Video How does this work for you?

A Snapshot of 4-1

"The 4-1 ratio of Positive and Negative Comments in a Middle School Classroom."

PBIS Hallway Stairs.mov

Towns County Elem. GA

"PBIS Expectations - Hallways"


Towns County Elem. GA

"PBIS Expectations - Bus

PBIS Cafeteria.mov

Towns County Elem. GA

"PBIS Expectations - Cafeteria

Dr. Steve Miletto

"5 Keys to Better Bus Management"

Brian Mendler Special Ed teacher and behavior management trainer. The following videos are from some of his difficult student trainings . Brian is the son of Alan Mendler, the author of Discipline With Dignity. Here are his words.."Plagued by severe undiagnosed ADHD and reading difficulties, I began disrupting class in 4th grade. I believed my peers would laugh at me for being “dumb” so I made sure they laughed at me for being “bad” instead. I was defiant, disruptive, relatively unmotivated. By sixth grade my academic skills were so below grade level that I was pulled / kicked out of school.During my senior year, I started gambling. The next five years were a cycle of lying, cheating and stealing to feed my addiction. In 2001 I entered recovery. I am now clean 17 years."

Brian Mendler

"Teachers, Retrain Your Brains"

Brian Mendler

"A Little Rain Does Not Stop the Plane"

Brian Mendler

"What is the purpose of a consequence?"

Brian Mendler

Keynote address Fall, 2019 Talks about his past and why he now relate to kids 39 mins long.

Brian Mendler

"Being a 2nd-to-last word teacher"

Brian Mendler

"Predictability is an Important Teacher Trait."

Brian Mendler

"Does Anyone Ever Think About that Kid?"

Brian Mendler

"The Danger of Apathetic Students. " Give them hope!

Brian Mendler

What to do when students say "I don't know".

Brian Mendler

Deescalate "You can't make me" comments

Brian Mendler

"Power Struggles"

Brian Mendler

"On Behavior Charts"

Brian Mendler

"Dad if that is what you call it" Student Poem

Dr. Allen Mendler

"Discipline with Dignity" with Allen Mendler and Richard Curwin

John Hattie

"Educator Mindframe and Why It Matters."

PBIS Expections-high school

"The Tardy Project"

An Amazing discussion about behavior control in the classroom. A change in mindset is essential.