Skill Development


Two-way Communication


Responding to Written Correspondence


One-way Communication

Reading a text (book, tweet, article, email, etc.

Listening (movie, news report, podcast, song, voicemail, etc)


Prepared Communication

Writing a paragraph, editing it and rewriting it for final submission

Memorizing a poem to recite aloud; writing a scene and then orally presenting it


Developing language skills AND knowledge of other disciplines

How We Develop Skills

Interpersonal Writing Examples

  • Reading and responding to emails, tweets, text messages

  • Pen Pals

Interpersonal Speaking Examples

  • Spoken conversations

  • Simulated conversations on the following topics : problem solving while aboard, making friends, gathering information, asking for recommendations & providing recommendations)

  • Participating in debates and socratic seminars

Interpretive Reading Examples

  • Reading magazine articles, short stories, poems, comics, emails and info-graphics.

Interpretive Listening Examples

  • Listening to songs, movies, voicemails, sports broadcasts, YouTube videos and tv shows.

Presentational Speaking Examples

  • Presenting a prepared report or a project (either in groups or on your own) using your spoken language skills.

  • Creating a video project that includes a "voice over" or acting out of a skit or scene.

Presentational Writing Examples

  • Writing an essay or an email

  • Creating a written brochure

Learn the content of another discipline through the language studied.

  • Study climate change and the implications for Hispanohablante countries using the Spanish language.

  • Learn about the history of ancient Rome (engineering, politics and power, literature, architecture, etc) by reading and listening to Latin.

  • Learn about the causes and effects of deforestation using the French language.

  • Learn about technology (advancements, challenges and pollution) in China using Mandarin.