
Map of Kiev Ukraine

Journey to America

Sophie and her family lived in Kiev Ukraine. When she was 11 years old, her family decided last minute to pack up their things and leave. They were incredibly poor and on the brink of starvation, and could not survive in Ukraine much longer. Her father had heard from their neighbors that there was a ship leaving for Ellis Island, so two hours before the ship departed, their family packed up their entire life and headed towards America. 

Map of Ellis Island NY

Map of Cambridge MA

Settling in America

After arriving in New York, the moved to Cambridge, as one of Sophie's cousin's lived there. While living with her cousin, Sophie's parents were able to find jobs; they were both well educated so it was not very difficult for them. Eventually, they were able to purchase a house of their own. 

"They couldn't afford to live in the Upper West Side on their own, so they had to move to Cambridge" -Gail Goldman