Saul Glazerman

Born in Krivoye Ozero, Ukraine (May 14, 1893)

Died in Lawerence, MA (June 1965)

By Reston Kaufman (Great grandson of Saul Glazerman)

A map showing where Saul's village was, in relation to modern Eastern European borders.

Saul Glazerman was one of four children. He was born in an observant Jewish family within a small Shtetl in modern day Ukraine. He attended Jewish school until dropping out a year before he could have become a rabbi.

The material in this website was collected through an interview with Saul's oldest son, Leon. Leon grew up in Lawerence, lived in Randolph for most of his life, and now resides in Dedham. He is a war veteran, a father of four of his own (something you'll hear again), a successful lawyer, and exemplified many of the traits that made his father so special.

Though there weren't images of Saul, here is Lee as a child