Life Today

Bostons Financial District


While living in Boston, Tumi has worked at many different jobs and found many different and new opportunities for herself. When she first came to Boston she was given an opportunity to work in the restaurant business, which she worked in for about 25 years. While in the restaurant business she had many various roles, she worked as part of the waiting staff and even helped run the front part of the restaurant. Before covid hit, Tumi was working at a Japanese restaurant in the Financial district. Because of Covid and most people working from home, the restaurant did not get the typical business that would help keep the business open, so it had to shut down. When the restaurant shut down, Tumi left the restaurant business industry and began working at Home Depot. At Home Depot Tumi works as a cashier,. She loves being a cashier because she gets to practice her English with customers. Tumi also enjoys her job because she knows a lot about construction from the job that she has in Thailand working in a construction company. Tumi also finds that Home Depot has many opportunities within the company.


While living in Boston Tumi has also met her husband, Paul. In April of 2011, they got married and now live in Dedham. Paul and Tumi have some grandchildren, who refer to Tumi as yaai, which is grandmother in Thai. Tumi is a very loving grandmother and person in their family. She loves caring for her grandchildren and cooking traditional Thai food for them. She says that her favorite Thai food is noodles and that she could eat them all the time. Tumi and Paul go to Thailand every year to visit. They travel around Thailand and visit many different places and spots around the country, including the city and the countryside.