Why Boston?

Scientific Opportunity

Andy and Fiona Garner are both scientists. The science opportunities in America, and more specifically in Boston is what initially led the Garners to move across the Atlantic. Andy got a new job at a large pharmaceutical company called Novartis. Novartis flew Andy and his family to Boston and helped make the move an easier experience in general. Back in the United Kingdom, Andy and Fiona were both working as scientists, however, they were working and living in different cities because they could not find science jobs in the same area. Large pharmaceutical companies are much less common in the United Kingdom when compared to the scientific powerhouse that is the Northeast of the United States. Moving over to Boston, Andy and Fiona were both able to get jobs in close proximity, additionally, Andy has changed jobs three times since his move and has never had to move house. Andy says, "the breath of opportunity whilst having the ease of the same base has been the difference". The science opportunity in the Northeast is unparalleled anywhere else in the world, and the Garners felt those benefits early on in their move.

In the UK, the Garner Family was in two different locations, Fi was working in Edinburgh while Andy was in Manchester.

In Boston, Andy has moved jobs three times while sharing the same home with the rest of his family.

Family Opportunity

Many things about American life, and more specifically Massachusetts life, brought the Garners to Arlington. It was important to Andy and Fiona that their new home brought certain aspects that made raising a family an easier experience, "the life opportunities of Massachusetts were a great factor" Andy says. Specially, since the Garners came from a liberal country it was easy to find a home in the liberal state of Massachusetts. Additionally, the outdoor life was a great aspect of the Northeast that influenced the Garners to move here, "being able to go to the beach and go skiing, all within an hour is dead easy". The Garners often take advantage of the geographic activities the Northeast has to offer, they love skiing and go to resorts such as Wachusett and Stowe. It has been nearly fourteen years since the Garners made the move from the United Kingdom, while their future is unknown, the many benefits that the greater Boston area has to offer has played a fundamental role in their choice of this city.

Andy skiing in the Northeast with his family